Cannabis growing podcasts and youtube channels

Pak and Afghan Landrace seeds on instagram and youtube is awesome, dude out in AFG with all kindsa stuff. Very DIY, rough production values, but killer content.

Podcasts…I thought they were lame at first but I’ve really grown to like First Smoke of the Day.

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I’ll second @HomeGrowTV and @GrowersNetwork and also add @MrCanucksGrow, @PedrosGrowRoom and @Highigan for educational cannabis channels.

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I love podcasts while walking outside sometimes, but mostly while doing chores or tending grow tent needs etc…

@Mithridate oh boy, I love some science, but that looked like a totally another level for me…

I´ll check out those, thanks…!


I will suggest exploring the scientific route for interesting tidbits and vetted conclusions:


Seems interesing, but looks to me a professional grower/breeder might be better audience for that course… Couldn´t possibly timewise commit to it anyways… What times we live in, one can learn all that in a Uni now… WOW thx for suggestion ! :pray:

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I watch the dudegrows on YouTube, they don’t say much useful, but they’re kinda entertaining.


No worries, I usually dive in to the deepest part of the pool instead of taking the stairs. Diving in gets me fully immersed the quickest, whereas if I take the stairs I might not like the feeling of the cold water and step out of before I have gotten fully wet :joy:
Plus, I feel it is good to have a solid base upon which to build my inner temple of knowledge.
Best of luck in your journey, @Kimes, growing is a great experience. :v:

I’d like to find one that isn’t giving guests free time just telling stories and actually discussing genetics and practices. was interested in an East Coast grower that only seemed to BS about his past and stories and didn’t dive much into any of his strains history.

Darn, my apologies, this was the incorrect link. I incorrectly linked the paid course, Dr. Bigsbee has tons of info on YouTube for free. Here is a better link:


This seems more my cup of tea and with no extra cost either, many thanks…!

edit: loving it!

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It’s pure gold! Enjoy!!!

I will! :grinning:

Next on watching list is this one I found, from the same Dr.

No moar bro science, baybee…!


Theres greengenes

Bugbees most popular video

Garden talk with Mr grow has some nice interviews including with bugbee


Seen more than a few up top I’ll probably repeat so I’ll just add everything I keep up with occasionally.

  • Mr. Canucks Grow
  • Khalifa Genetics
  • Growmau5
  • Dawgo The Hutt
  • Vader OG
  • Mr. Grow It
  • Tri-State Trichomes
  • From The Stash
  • Build A Soil
  • PA Hydroponics
  • The Dude Grows Show

Look up Cannabis Cultivation & Science by Tad Hussey of KIS organics. No bro science, just facts :muscle:t3:

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My favorite guy to follow.


The World of Cannabis Museum Project presents: Cannthropology—the potcast that explores the history of cannabis culture one artifact and interview at a time. Hosted by World of Cannabis executive director and marijuana media icon Bobby Black. In each episode, Bobby speaks with a different expert or significant figure in cannabis culture to provide an entertaining and educational history lesson.

Cannabis History | Cannthropology Podcast (

In this special double-sized episode of Cannthropology, host Bobby Black marks the 33rd anniversary of the launch of Operation Green Merchant—the most significant and sweeping attempt by the US Justice Department to eradicate cannabis growing in the United States—by welcoming to the show a Drug War POW who holds the unfortunate distinction of having served the longest jail sentence of anyone arrested as part of Green Merchant—Michael Wolf Segal. Segal is a former columnist for Sinsemilla Tips magazine, former co-host of “The Farmer in the Sky” podcast, author of the 1985 book Growing Indoors for Fun and Profit, and inventor of the game-changing Sea of Green (SOG) and Screen of Green (SCROG) grow techniques. This eccentric, entertaining, and highly loquacious cannabis cultivation pioneer recounts stories from his guerilla grow days and delves deep into his extensive experience with marijuana growing techniques and technologies—including some next-level knowledge on the science of lighting. If you’re a grow geek, don’t miss this one!

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There’s a list of podcast available for download/listen with various guest, kiss organics.

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