Cannabis isn't a weed

“I wish I could show you what a small marihuana cigaret can do to one of our degenerate Spanish-speaking residents. That’s why our problem is so great; the greatest percentage of our population is composed of Spanish-speaking persons, most of who [ sic ! such an enthusiastic sic !] are low mentally, because of social and racial conditions.”

icon_e_surprised|nullxnull And that was in 1937, I feel like a social deviated frech|nullxnull, thanks for sharing … beer3|nullxnull


“People who smoke marihuana finally lose their mind and never recover it, but their brains dry up and they die, most of times suddenly.”
I can attest to this :rofl:


Cannabis , ganja aka the devil’s lettuce :joy:


the prick that got the ball rounding :frowning:

be safe and grow more



Years ago when I was trying to get my medical I asked a new doc up here in northern Alberta who was from South Africa. I gave him a folder with all sorts of info about using pot as medicine for all sorts of things and saw him a week later.

He told me that he had interned at a mental hospital down there and half the people were in there because they were driven insane from smoking pot so he turned me down. I replied that maybe they were using the pot to quiet the voices in their head and it was actually helping their underlying psychosis. Now he’s the doc that signs for me and my wife. 12g/day for me and 6 for the wife. We just got renewed in Oct.

As to the topic of this thread when I hear folks say, It’s just a weed!, it shows me how little they know or respect the plant so I don’t much listen to them. Using the word marijuana/marihuana has lost most of it’s original negative connotation for the great unwashed masses and is commonly used by many corporations and pot businesses now tho I won’t use it.



I’d always heard the folks in Amsterdam referred to pressed dry sift as pollen/hash which is much different than the black hash like is harvested from the living plants in the fields. That kind of hash was what was mixed with opium and I had that when I was only 15-16 years old. A gas station I worked at in Vancouver had these east Indians renting the upstairs and I got to be buddies with the younger guys, (19 - 20 or so), and bought some off them. Dreamy stuff and way better than the Blond and Brown Leb that was common at the time which was just pressed dry sift. At the time the only pot that was around was Mexican brick pot crap. c. 1969.



Everytime i have heard someone say “its just a weed” it has been in reference to the strong resiliency of the cannabis plant. Cannabis plants are vigorous and stand up to abuse well.

I feel you are taking people use of vocabulary out of context.


Maybe as a slang term to say, Let’s go smoke some weed! It’s kinda OK but to say pot plants are weeds gets my hackles up.

I’ve been smoking pot for over 50 years and started growing it in '78 and have studied it and it’s history the whole time and it truly deserves more respect than to be called a weed.


That was my thought when making this post

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I prefer the term Devil’s lettuce or Jazz Cigarettes when I’m out on the town, esp with top hat


We must not forget wacky tobacky , laughing grass and cheeba


Shit, I smoked some pot today…
.any of you guys happen to see my brain laying around???

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One mans weed is another mans treasure?


calling a plant a Weed is just a way of saying that plant is not wanted where it is

I tell folks I am growing the Weed because it was at one time (hemp) a fourth

rotation corp for the farmer

very little work, very little cost and it gives your soil a rest you make money

and it grows like a “WEED”

all the best and be safe



Any one else remember the anti PSA/commercial with the karate guy hitting the wrong side of a board and it flipping up and smacking him in the face? That one made me laugh my ass off
Said something like “high for a night, slow for a week” :crazy_face:

Found it… I think, not exactly what I remembered… gee I wonder why :sweat_smile:


Bwahahah I do remember that!!!


Too… damn… good…

Dope is what irks me.

Mostly old timers call it dope too, the first thing that come into mind when someone calls it dope makes me think heroin.


This one popped up in my chives from over the winter. I must have thrown a bag seed in the garden over the winter.
In this case I want my chives, so it’s kinda a weed lol


“Dope” says the cop or the bureaucrat on TV… just means drugs. Cocaine, heroin, ecstasy, or cannabis. “Narcotics”. That always bothers me.