Carpsy's Dear Diary

Dear Diary,

Red Mimosa is drying still, but about to get jarred. Turned out to be about an ounce again.
So far i don’t sense any aroma but she makes stoned, so thats good. Its quite sedative and might be decent for pain relief.
Buds are quite fluffy and leafy sadly, but might be ok for pure smokes.

The Critical Neville Haze pollen did its job proper. The bleached calynxes containing his babies are very obvious and gave beautiful dark beans, quite alot of them, but not too many to affect the smokability.

The little Gorilla Zkittlez is getting quite bushy and i cant really keep up discovering new bud sites under her canopy. Four mainstem nodes might be a bit much.
She also just had her time with Neville’s fridge dust and wants to drink daily now.

The Creme De La Chem is a midget. And much too bushy. Im not sure LST was a great idea on her since i cant even look underneath her skirt… of leaves.
Nevilles babies are devloping well on the pollinated branch but shes overall just so tiny.


Dear Diary,

The FastBuds Gorilla Zkittlez freebie (whatever it really is), in the hempy style, Perlite filled 1gal pot, does well. (few days old pic)

Nice symmetry and node distance, a few leaves fading, some getting reddish accents.
She drinks alot! A dripfeed or larger reservoir would be nice.
Its certainly more tricky to get her nutrients filled up properly than in soil, but she also has a very fast metabolism if she gets them.
She has a sweet, artifical fruit scent to her.

Mephisto Gen’s Creme De La Creme is still a tiny one in its handmixed humus/coco/sand/perlite mix. But its genetics also say its not really supposed to grow large, but fat. And fat she is getting. Underneath her skirt of leaves theres alot of bud, rancid smelling bud, like fermenting manure on a farm. She stank even more when i cut a few of her leaves. Nasty girl, lovely.

Dutiful Neville Jr (Delicious Seeds Critical Neville Haze Auto) is still providing his pollen from the fridge.
After the slightly early Tropicanna seeds, and the plentiful and beautifully matured Mimosa babies, we now get our eyes on those created from his sister CNH#2.


The plant was pretty dried out and rootbound to 600ml at the end, was foxtailing hard due to heat, and probably wasnt very happy.

She still provided about 15g which seems fine for the troubles she had.
The seeds matured 6 weeks but look very bleached, deformed even.
Im not sure its the result of inbreeding, phenos of daddy and mommy were very different, or the result of underwatering her.

I would really like their offspring. Mommy had heavily serrated leaves. Her smell, after just a few days of cure, is intense, biting, fruityness with a little pineresin gassiness.
The color of the barely dried buds is already very golden, the stone is quite mid but can become overpowering eventually.

Id compare her effects to the Red Mimosa, both are sedative with high ceiling.
The Haze has a more intense taste.
Neither had the most pretty buds, and the Trimmer person is really a lazy one i presume.

Delicious Seeds Critical Neville Haze Auto (foxtailed, dried out, Pheno#2, 12weeks)

Sweet Seeds Red Mimosa XL Auto (12weeks)

I also ended up using a ppfd measuring smartphone app, one of the free ones, to check how best to place my pots.

And i had to realize that my 30cmx30cm (1x1ft) LED plate only shines proper 600-1100ppfd in a 60x60 (2x2) field at 45cm(18") distance. The center is great with up to 1150, or the max i can measure. But the suggested 80x80 for that light is not getting the light i would wish for and goes down to 100-200 on the edges and in corners in my 90x90(3x3).

I checked the manufacturer, GrowTheJungle, again and appearantly i bought the lowliest version of their lights. And payed nearly double the suggested price. damn.
i didnt even find a light coverage spreadsheet.

The GTW Jackson LT 150W i got is actually pretty nice, worked really well, but id put it in a 60x60(2x2) and use it for one plant only so at least one mainbud can use the full power of it, instead of three plants somehow being arranged around the focus point.
But it might ok to have lower light edges in larger tents to raise babies, and then put flowering ones in the middle or something.

I decided on a bar style that would cover 90x90 properly, hoping for better ventilation, and Mars Hydro had a sale.
Compared a bit and the SpiderFarm one really came close price/value wise, but its diodes were the older version (Samsung Mark 3s B vs H series).
Would love to try two Sanlights but neither are they ever available nor are they anywhere in an acceptable pricerange for my purposes.

So i decided on the MarsHydro FC 3000 Evo, for about a quarter of the price of the Sanlight setup and im pretty happy after rigging it up.
It covers my whole tent, 500ppfd in corners to 800-1150(measuring max) in the mainarea, at 75% ~225Watt.
The power supply produces quite a bit more heat, and is rather heavy, but can be dettached and placed outside your tent.
It can be bought with a bluetooth remote and comes with a network cable lul, so maybe can even be haxored.
It seems to be full on chinese dropship stuff which might explain the price gap.