Chat room (let's chat!) šŸ’¬ (Part 3)

Iā€™m rather new to the press. Older dried and cured stuff yielded less for me than fresh, like 4-6 day cut bud. Some moisture helps. Havenā€™t pressed fresh, or fresh frozen yet, but Iā€™ve read that too much moisture might steam out, so thereā€™s a happy medium.

On a whim I pressed some trim yesterday, and was shocked at the production honestly. I did just make some bubble as well, and could have run this for bubble and probably been happy, but variety is nice, no?

Buds yield more than trim obviouslyā€¦ And certain buds yield WAY more than others, figuring out strains is fun. Blueberry so far is very promising for me :smiley:


I gotta sayā€¦ whoever invents an easier way to get rosin is gonna be a millionaire. Such a PITA to collect off of the parchment paperā€¦ When the temp is perfect, its not bad, but a tad warm? sticky, gooey messā€¦ Yummy mess, but still sticky and gooeyā€¦

Put it in the freezer for a few minutes? Crumbles off like shatter, then melts again.


Did anyone see chris rock get bitch slapped by will smith?

I always thought he was such a sweet guy till the last few years


You can keep a baking sheet in the freezer and then collect on top of that. Works for most strains, some are relentlessly sticky for sure though

I was considering a 1/4" sheet of aluminum. I have several large pieces in the garage left over from making a skid plate for a buggy. Maybe a few of them and rotate them as they warm? Iā€™ve used the aluminum 2x4 form behind the parchment to draw heat and that worked, but for a small area, hence the thought on making a few 12x16 pieces maybeā€¦

Iā€™ll try the baking sheet first though, thats immediately available, and no work required :smiley:

Iā€™ve also found that once you smear the rosin, good luck getting that off. Best technique seems to be gather a little on the tool, and tap / dab it to pull up rosin, as if you had a piece of gum stuck to the end of a stick, trying to pick up leavesā€¦ That seems to get the most.

Then getting it into the little silicone containers is fun. Iā€™ve definitely flung a few rosin balls accidentally the first few times I tried cleaning the collecting tool on the side of the silicone container. Live and learn and donā€™t make that mistake again LOL


That would probably work great, probably keep cool longer than a baking sheet too. I was also going to suggest those big flat freezer packs as well but I bet that aluminum would work as good or better

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yea that usually works great, give it a second to bond then snap it up!

lol, definitely know how that goesā€¦


Random question coming in. Hopefully not an obvious one either

Okay so say I have two S1 seeds
I pop them both and cross one to the other.
What would their offspring be labeled as ?

I was thinking S2s, but I thought an S2 is when you reverse an S1 and self it again. So it would be the second Self of those genetics.
So Iā€™m confused on what to call the offspring of two S1s crossed to each other.


I believe that would be an F1?


S1 would be selfing, f1 is a cross of two strains so u would have a feminized f1


Thatā€™s what I was thinking too, but even if they are both the same genetics they would still be F1s ?

I know F1 is used when crossing two separate genetics, and obviously F2 when staying in line again. But these are also the same genetics and inline arnt they ?

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heres a good explanation

Genetics Nomenclature ā€” E T H O S (


Iā€™m just confused because they are Filial S1s

The way Im thinking is itā€™s technically the second gen of selfed genetics. But an S2 is only used of I were to self the S1 plant again. Itā€™s not used when crossing two plants together.

So just
S1 x S1 = ?

But its different plantsā€¦ Unless they were both cloned from the same mom, they are still different plants, hence F1. S1 / S2 is only one plant involved. Self Pollenatedā€¦

S1 x S1(2nd variation) = F1

Even though they might be similar plants / same strain, if they are siblings and not clones, its a different plant. Thereā€™s a tiny bit difference in their DNA, much like you would have between you and a brother / sister.


So even if they are both siblings from the same mother you would call them F1s after crossing them ?

Right yes you can only call it an S2 if selfing the selfed plant again.

But I have S1 seeds. Grew them out. So they are direct siblings. Then wanted to cross one S1 plant to another S1 plant. So they are still inline but canā€™t be called S2 because they are two separate plants.

So S1 x S1 = F1 ? Is what your saying ?

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Two siblings from the same mom would be F2 if they were male / female, right?

S1 is selfed. even if two siblings from mom, and you reversed one, still F2 because its two different plants from seedā€¦ S1 is reserved really for Self Pollenation, and in the case of S1 x S1, they are breeding, not self-pollenating (though they could be doing both, depends on if you reversed a whole plant or part of one lol)

Okay I think I understand. I think my mind was getting confused thinking of the Selfed offspring as first gen but selfed first gen. So S1
But they would be completely different genetics mixes, but still siblings. So I thought their offspring would technically be second generation. But what you said makes sense now lol
Alright well thanks OG for the help.

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Yeah I reversed a plant. Selfed her. Got seeds.

Then grew out those seeds and found two I liked.
Then crossed those together using STS

So S1 x S1 is F1

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Heavy Metal :metal:t2:

The Court Jester! :rofl:

Two vastly different musicals!

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