Chat room (let's chat!) šŸ’¬ (Part 3)

She canā€™t stay mad forever, can she?:grimacing:


Hahaha Happy Canada day! (1st) AND Happy Independence day (4th)!!


Sheā€™s bound to cheer up sometime :laughing:


We had several amendment proposals to our marijuana laws this year and, of course, the one that makes it to the ballot was boasting ā€œlegalize marijuana for everyone over the age of 21ā€ and to take taxes off the medical marijuana and put it on recreational. No home grow allowed bc, ya know, ā€œsafety of childrenā€. The only one that made it. The head guy was state rep. at one time. Had 5 cultivators donate 350k each. So basically they want it legal so they can make even more money. Medical marijuana equaling about 22mil per month isnā€™t good enough for them.

We had another amendment that would make home grows legal - 12 plants for everyone in the household over the age of 21 and expunge/release for past non violent cannabis crimes. Sounds great, right? I thought so. But guess what? They didnā€™t run it in a statewide newspaper (Archaic af but whatever) Which is a prerequisite to turning in signatures. Wtf :woman_facepalming: Iā€™m so upset I donā€™t even want to vote. Vote for dispensaries making more money and legalizing for 21 and up, (so we can buy from dispensaries of course) or nothing at all :sob: yes recreational is better than nothing but my deal is thisā€¦

so itā€™s fine for us to smoke? Youā€™re admitting thereā€™s nothing wrong w it? Ohhhhā€¦ as long as youā€™re making money off of it :triumph: they act like these plants are different when a bunch of money hungry people are growing and dealing it than if we were to grow it and smoke it without them. Itā€™s the same plant, dumb asses.

They have until July 8 to get the signatures in. When I checked the website, they were saying to stop collecting signatures and get ready for 2024, it was over. They never said why. Then I read it on the ballot website. Didnā€™t run in it in a mf newspaper. I havenā€™t even seen a newspaper in years. Wtf? And how did they miss that anyway? Ffs!

Anyways, rant over. Iā€™m just going to go back to being completely disgusted.

Has anyone in a legal state went through anything like this before going fully legal?


Im still waiting here, Its legal for medical purposes but not for recreational, and they grow it within 10 minutes of me. My daughterā€™s boyfriend did concrete work there and my bud has a friend that works at the place. He always smells like raw weed lol.


Check this out. Talk about one stop shopping!!! I didnt know they could do this.


Sounds like your state is taking lessons from my state!

Legal to possess, use and even gift. But god forbid you get caught growing a single plant!

Makes no senseā€¦ Oh wait, thats politicians for ya. (makes perfect sense when you factor in corporate greed, payoffs, kickbacks and other nefarious things).

And nope, we still havenā€™t changed the laws on homegrow. and the ā€œrecā€ market is a jokeā€¦ But gotta line them pockets first!!!


And always open. :smiley: :+1:


Follow the moneyā€¦
and you will see who is getting ā€˜greasedā€™.



exactly. If it were not for the money hungry leeches trying to make money off the plant with their ā€œwe need to feed our families steaks and caviarā€ attitudes, the US would have long ago legalized and we would be getting Pā€™s for 500 like they do in Canada. But noā€¦ People in the industry want to keep weed quasi-legal to keep the prices exorbitant so they can rip off their fellow citizens and overcharge those who find legitimate medical relief from using a freely growing plant. I want to see legalization and prices as low as those of Corn or Wheat. The industry leeches who are fighting to keep their profitability can go back to working at McDonaldā€™s for all I care.


Must be a regional deal, I got laughed out of the dispensary asking for exactly that.

Ahh just kidding, Iā€™ve never been in a dispensary


NY would still be in the no home grow if Cuomo hadnā€™t been caught in his scandal.

You canā€™t TAX homegrown.


They shouldnā€™t be allowed to do that. They need more laws to suffocate them like they do us. So not fair.

@BigMike55 just seeing those pics makes me want to move to Oklahoma lol Iā€™m just allergic to tornadoes :grimacing:

100% agree! 230-330 oz here. Hell NO. Everything else is too high to pay that for a plant you can grow for basically nothing. Iā€™m so sick of it.

Biden said he was for decriminalizing it but nothing yet. I think it passed the house but theyā€™re saying it probably pass the republicans in senate. Biden will leave it up to states to decide whether or not to make it legal on state level, it just wouldnā€™t be a felony. I think I read his son had drug issues. So what? I guarantee it wasnā€™t weed.

BUT you can sell all the other shit. Home grows would open up the market for grow shops instead of price gouging dispensaries. Even growing costs money. Just not as much. And itā€™s more satisfying. I think they just want that control. The shitty guy who got his on the ballot says no home grown because they worry for our kids safety. :roll_eyes: I call bullshit. They said cannabis would be treated like alcohol. Kids smoke cigarettes and drink all the time. Stupid f*ucks. Like kids arenā€™t smoking weedā€¦. My daughter says everyone she knows smokes lol she said the kids are rolling and lighting up under the bleachers, selling it at school, etc. These kids are even slinging vape pens lol wtf theyā€™re trying their best to prove they are the ā€œsafest optionā€.

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I feel there is a world full of people who have been growing beans, corn. coffee, sugar cane, palm trees, etcā€¦ for centuries who would love the opportunity to grow a crop of anything that makes them more than the very little they make due to legal food crops having no real value. Most smaller growers in the farming world are starving while they grow these crops because there is not enough profit to be made for them to get ahead. Even in the USA, we wouldnā€™t have farmers if the Government didnā€™t provide them subsidies to keep them afloat amongst a world full of farmers who have lower costs of living than those US farmers. When there are countries of people who would be ecstatic if they could make 10 USdollars per kilo for weed-- they would change all their crops to weed to get those profits. This is why weed will never be legal in the USā€¦ The US has too much profit to lose to allow this cash crop to lose value too quickly.

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Has it hurt Canada? They seem like theyā€™re happy af and loving life up there :joy: if only we could get someone in the White House who is aggressively pro cannabis. Ahhhhā€¦ maybe one day our kids can enjoy the freedoms we can only dream about.


It is all about control. Anytime the kids argument is brought up itā€™s crap. They canā€™t win on facts so they use emotional appeal.

Milk has to be pasteurized for a reason and itā€™s not safety. They can measure how many gallons are pasteurized, so it all gets taxed.

Already watching the news government warn about untested black market weed. Itā€™s not safe. And there is some truth to this. But a lot of homegrown is better taken care of than the legal.

I wish they would pay as much attention to what goes into food as they are weed.

@herojuana.tom i think the states are going to make it so you can only sell what has been produced in the state. The fed will do some work for legalization at least for the banking. Hard to trace cash


Itā€™s definitely dropped the street prices in the basement .
Large black market growers have either shut down or scaled down . Smaller growers have shut down or growing elite strains which will still hold value .

Most have realized at 500 a lb itā€™s tough to warrant trying to stay under that cost to grow it.

For govt approved stores popping up in every small town and larger centers every few blocks another store opens. Was in Edmonton a while back south east side with in a 25 block distance Iā€™d counted 11 pot stores some less than a couple blocks from each other.

Iā€™m in lake country so there has been several new pot stores open at the lake areas 3 within 5 miles of each other and 25 miles from the city which has 5 stores . Itā€™s like the Wild West of pot not quite sure how they all are going to survive come the end of tourist season !


Iā€™m starting to think my whole city has become a bad neighborhood with either a liquor store, payday loan, or weed shop on every corner.

Even in the ritzy district these shops are opening up right beside eachother.

Ehā€¦ I havenā€™t heard any of the details of tax money going to help the community in the same way that I heard all about those details when Colorado legalized.

The weed shops and those who are most heavily invested into them seem to be doing alright but have yet to notice any tangible benefit to the community.

I wonā€™t be satisfied until it is completely decriminalized. Feels kind of insulting being told no and punished my whole life only for them to start saying yes and trying to sell me weed.


On a side note. Anyone have any experience with these guys?

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Itā€™s not just you. Thereā€™s 3 on a 2km walk and I live in fancyville. I have a hard time believing any of them are making money.

No way will I buy it from people who spent my youth chasing me for it.