Chat room (let's chat!) 💬 (Part 3)

@hollyho My state is similar regarding home grow right now, only legal for medical cardholders. Recreational use is legal and there are dispensaries all over the place but don’t you dare have a plant growing. :roll_eyes: There have been bills proposed to legalize recreational home grow but they keep getting left off the ballot.


Well yes because we would have some breathing space… to LEARN about these things. If you’re growing for yourself, learning about the plant and safety aspects is priority. Your personal safety is more important to you than it is to them. Growing for profit is all about money. Dispensary weed can’t be as safe bc I bet they would do anything to keep from losing their crop. Maybe they’re legit, but do I trust them? Not more than I would trust myself.

Exactly. But looks like home grows would help get rid of a lot of those extra shops. Where you see liquor, payday, and weed- I see churches, fields, and churches :joy:

Damn right.

:woman_facepalming: Of course they do.

I bet if it’s ever truly legal, we will have to pay a yearly fee or something crazy. There’s always something. They’re just working really hard on coming up with more laws to tack onto it and other dumb shit first. The dumber the better.

They live for this shit.


Anyone got a really big cannager mold?


Y’all need to look up the weirdest laws ever made. It will make u laugh your ass off :joy:

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@hollyho Don’t think it’s a law but residents in Churchill, Manitoba, Canada (Pardon me Canucks!!), leave their car doors unlocked so everyone has better chance at escaping from Polar Bears by getting into cars!!! Awesome, isn’t it!!?


That’s a real thing??


Read after the pic of Bear at car window!! Crazy!!


Yeah man, they’re big white bears.


Any one planning on bidding on another licensed grow op close out sale . Looks like these big grow places are finding it tough to stay going.


Aren’t they supposed to be bailed out by daddy gov?

Finance 101:

130 millions in dept
Gov covers 160m
=30m profit :chart_with_upwards_trend::ok_hand:


Not sure but that’s 2 in this province in the last month . Plus one in Winnipeg where I scored my trimmer a month or so back .


Looking at the lot listing, it’s all random stuff… 2 chairs, a desk, labels and cones. No land, buildings or grow equipment…

Could be that the good ish sold quick…
Or could be a pump and dump…

Sucks if it was a regular dude trying to build something. I’m certainly not for giant corporate “3 flavors of weed: small, medium, large” grows…

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Labels containers vacuum oven 2 large dehydration rooms boxes of gel caps and 2 pharmacy filling machines shit load of lights.
Nothing like the last one there was everything in that one.

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For the longest time I never realized the dark green part of the OG logo in the page banner was a pot leaf.


By that I mean I only figured this out recently after having visited OG hundreds and hundreds of times. I always thought it was a little counter-strike dude peeking around frow the side of the W.

It wasn’t until a moment of deep reflection that I realized OG and Counter-Strike have nothing to do with eachother, so I decided to really get an up close look of the logo.

Even now that I’ve been reconciled with reality at first glance it still looks like a guy peeking around the corner.


lmao that’s awesome, never noticed it kind of looks like the Counter Strike dude

Spent a lot of time in PSL(Pot Smokers Lounge) pub server on CS back in the day


My handle came from CS. I called myself foreigner as a joke and I killed some kid and he got up and screamed “who is this expletive slur expletive foreigner who shot me!”

I knew I was on to something.


Thanks for laughs, :sweat_smile:, you guys are pretty funny sometimes :v:

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This thrip damage right?

I just treated with dr zymes yesterday, how soon can I hit ‘em again


You have bugs, I would say.
I see you are in flower. Early flower, but flower. Bee real careful what you spray on buds. I don’t know about Dr Zymes but a lot of stuff you should stay away from during flower.


They recommend 3 days in a row, then once a week.

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