Cheap LED Strips : A Viable Alternative

Has anyone purchased from Alibaba before?

A fellow grower suggested this to me.

My toys


Or if you run remote like I do use 3 conductor leads from the drivers to the frames. Run the ground to the frame and the other end to the driver mounting screw. That’s how I have mine done up


Yes, that’s what I do as well. :+1::seedling:


The only reason I even bothered was because the wife helps me all the time and face it my brain is already cooked so it was for her benefit lol

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By chance does the above driver allow me to adjust the constant current? To under-drive the strips. (Spec sheet 350ma thru 1050ma)

Run them at, 600 for example.

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from what I understand there’s a screw and two wires coming off for controlling that. You can buy a potentiometer for a couple quid to make it easier but to actually measure your output you’ll want another device as you’ll be twiddling the nob/screw blind technically.


XLG-150-L-A has a potmeter and the AB version has additional dimming functions too.
Without A or AB has a fixed current (and voltage?)


I didn’t either, until I did it…

My fault, I didn’t follow buddy’s instructions when using his home-made battery charger… (360VDC float voltage), wet dewy grass, motorcycle with dead battery…
Instructions were, hook up leads to battery then plug-in. You get the picture… :rofl: :joy:



My bad. I have the -AB version.
I’m aware of the dimming via potentiometer.

Am I able to adjust the constant current with the -AB ver.


From my understanding, the AB diver let’s you control the max current with the A pot (internal), then dims fom 10%-max current using the B pot.


I know your busy. I’m still reading but I want to do it by September. PM coming



This is something that was sent to me as a suggestion. I would appreciate your opinion on it.|GMC|pla|1670756630|64004387279|524430250|pla-717940284177|117005017|US|evanqiu|m|2|#redirect_detail=PC2WAP

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I don’t think it could be considered a bargain. :rofl:

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To answer your question, it’s for a 4X4 tent used exclusively for flower.

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For a (mostly) assembled kit it looks pretty nice. 480W for $420USD. Right around $1/W. Let me look at some specs and see what we can do for comparison.


You can build your own ~505w strip light using 4ft long Bridgelux Gen 2 strips for about $350-$400 delivered, variance depending on price of metal and whether or not you have wire already. People here seem to be on the 2ft strip bandwagon, but to me it’s extra complexity of build and it costs more than the 4ft strip builds. I see no utility in choosing 2ft over 4ft if you have the space. There’s literally no point.

Also, don’t use the cheap XLG drivers that people here recommend compared to the HLG drivers. Why lose 2 years of warranty and 3-4% efficiency if you’re buying LED for efficiency anyway? Seems like a losing compromise. Might as well use HID lighting instead. :stuck_out_tongue:

These DIY strip builds are much better spectrum and canopy coverage than those chinese quantum board builds. Especially if you’re upping your budget over $300 and considering $420 within reach.

The builds are honestly easy - when you’re done you’ll laugh at how much you stressed about it. All it takes is drilling a few holes in aluminum angle to build the frames (I suggest 2 frames), some nuts and bolts and plastic washers, attaching double-sided thermal tape, and plugging in / connecting wires. Those builds use parallel wiring so very low voltage and amperage - not dangerous and don’t need a permit to run them and remain legal. ~40v and around 700ma.

Super easy and there are itemized bills of materials and instructions on how to build. Best bang for your buck. I know it’s been posted before, but here’s a link to the builds:

scroll down to the 4x4 section using 4ft strips, expand it, and then scroll to the Bridgelux section. The only difference from their build is you use 1x1 aluminum angle instead of heatsinks (cuz they’re not required) and you build 2 frames since the driver has 2 output leads.


There you go @oleskool830, that link should set you up.
If you want more help, let me know. I’ll do what I can.


You’re the best bro!



would it be alright to ask for thoughts about a lighting product I’ve found on the deal is, I need new lighting for my space. the room is 10’x14’ but I am currently using only a 4’-5’ x 8’-9’ area, as needed, for bloom.
I plan to eventually to do the same on the opposite side of room, just mirror the setup in the next year or so. This is someone else’s thread and I don’t want to put up some junk they would rather not be on here.
