Defoliation vs No(little) defoliation

If you were my hired hand, I’d keep the shears locked up in the shed and you with a hoe weeding in the field. I’d never get any fruit with such ill founded, misguided opinions.

Buds don’t produce “energy”, food, for tissue production.


Maybe it’s because they are getting proper nutrition rather than some cannabis specific, forum driven hype regarding switching to some “bloom” food.

Always post a link for reference, please.

Sure, is there anything specific you’d like to have referenced? Because I wrote this out of the top of my head… but I could go quickly into my archive, though some is also from hardcopy books that may not even be in your language…


Since you like to nitpick everyone I’ll nitpick you a bit. This plant here has classic symptoms of N toxicity with the leaves starting to claw from the top. If this is what 50+ years of growing experience gets then I would suggest people not follow your advice as gospel.

There’s no need to be constantly abrasive and nitpicking everything people post and demand that people provide you with links instead of searching yourself. It seems to me that you’re somewhat set in your ways and think you know better than everyone else because of your “long and illustrious” career growing every plant in existence.

There’s always room to learn from other people. If you close yourself off you’re gonna be in the same place you’ve been for years thinking you know better than everyone else.

How long you’ve been growing has no relationship to how much knowledge you have. Or how good your product is.

Back on topic of this thread I personally don’t defoliate anymore. Mostly from a labour perspective. It just takes too long. I can imagine it scaled up costing insane amounts of money to hire people to do it. With all the places where weed prices are currently at a race to the bottom) it would prob make less sense to do things that will majorly add to the cost of production. Obviously this matters much less for home growers (which I am). I definitely don’t look down on people for doing what works for them though.


South Texas heat. Moisture stress, a ditty I wrote years ago and plagarized by many. :rofl:

Plenty of posers in these here parts, pardner.

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I see a vivid influss of the forum where he comes from, here we do things in a different way :roll_eyes:. No offence intended, just a remark … beer3|nullxnull


I demand documentation. On what, I don’t care. But documentation.


@Rodent_Rampage I nominate this for best post of the thread, that was a masterful explanation


I belong to a few gardening websites and when someone posts something as fact the admin always asks for a link. It’s just good business and keeps the flakes from taking over.

I do botany. If you post content such that it appears, reads, that it came from some PhD out of Cornell U. and can’t back it up with a link, then you lose credibility with me.

Not that it matters… :laughing:

Now, go play jacks, jack…

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I’m going to run out of tears crying about it.


Snowflakes always have plenty of moisture when they have a meltdown. You’ll be fine.

Oh dear another diminutive buzzword. I demand to see documentation on that too.

I will refrain from calling you names because I have, you know, class.


I rest my case. :sunglasses:



Yes very impressive. Looks exactly like my impressive plants without the bad attitude.


You’re a bad boy ya know.

“Thou shalt not butcher thy faves”

So says,
Lordy Be Unkie Ben

What hubris.

Smite me.


I would like to take this opportunity to celebrate the two-week anniversary of the beginning of the end for this thread. Two weeks ago, Ben posted here for the first time, and of course someone quickly disagreed with him; since then he’s posted 65 of the 180 replies to the thread, quickly outpacing the other three most-frequent posters. That kind of bull-headed, stubborn argumentativeness really should be celebrated, I believe. :slight_smile:

Sorry for the interruption. Please feel free to return to your regularly scheduled arguments and ad hominem attacks now.


This thread smells of sulfur.

Sometimes I defoliate, sometimes I don’t. The buds still get me high either way.


Congrats on being like two or three days of harassing members without a break.

Your reward? A break!

See you in the morning.

And now back to our regularly scheduled programming :slightly_smiling_face: