Defoliation vs No(little) defoliation

I would LOVE to know who or “what” those leaf loving aginners were, you know, the “New Age Defoliators”.

They can be seen walking the streets of San Fran with their pink dyed hair, neck tattoos, butt hanging jeans, Felco #5’s riding high on their hips snuggled tight in their pruning holsters.

Yeppee K Ay!

I use the 8-9 month, 15-9-12 in the greenhouse and on newly planted field trees. The 5-6 month on cannabis. This used to be cheap but considering the excellent nutrition (which is leached based on soil temps and moisture) is a still a good bargain. I buy it 50# at a time from A.M. Leonard taking advantage of their free shipping promos.

Has an excellent micro package too which promotes lots of ass kicking, chlorophyll rich leaves, which in turn promotes good roots and flowers. Nitrogen 15%, Phosphate 9%, Potash 12%, Magnesium 1.3%, Sulfur 6%, Boron .02%, Copper .05%, Iron .46%, Manganese .06%, Molybdenum .02%, & Zinc .05%

Can’t beat the BM7 soil blend too. It is awesome.


Could not be any worse that some guy who shows up at Canna shows wearing fake Rasta wigs and what might as well have been a pair of those cheesy mustache glasses you got at the drug store as a kid with the fart cushions and joy buzzers.I think he smokes too much butt hash I guess the smeller was the feller :rofl::joy::rofl:


Ben, old Ben, I think you climbed a hell of a step and you think a lot of crap about the others, you misjudge the others and put yourself on a pedestral.

I won’t tell you what I think about those garden books and fancy literature because my grandparents didn’t know how to read and were able to put food from the land on the table.

I can tell you that by coming in here I find some help, people who care for the others and may say the biggest stupidity and I am willing to try it.

It may don’t work because it was stupid idea but I won’t loose the experience, I was backed up, someone cared.

If I created an account and read this, I would back the same instant, fortunately on this forum they don’t say go and read a book, take a class, they have read the book and they help me fast as it could be.

Not saying that isn’t important to read or to take classes but I don’t want OG out of work.

Specially I don’t blame the others advices for my actions, people try to help indeed don’t mean they are always right, fortunately this is something you have to do and answers come with time, with experience, and not the others experience, you have to diy to know how to deal with your soil, your hydro, your aero, your tap water…

But from there to I don’t care about other’s opinion, is bullshit unless you really think there is nothing else to learn. If that’s the case, you don’t need to come and show that, just write a book.

I would love to see what’s the most smoked strain last year, I would like to know what is the most used smoking device, I would love to know many things based on the users experience not mine, that one I got it ahead.

I am sorry if I was too hush and apologize my English I hope I’m not saying something else that what is written.


That was some goooood shit smell my fingers you can believe me


Just fooling I love you guys

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Funny stuff, thanks for the laugh. High waters (jeans you wore during puberty that you just can’t get rid of) are cool too.

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Smuggling plums across the border hahahaha

That’s mah bud, Mr. KEEP THE LEAVES ON! dude.


I wore JNCO Road kill jeans with the skunk on them I could have smuggled you across the border in those actually not so much nut huggers


Bro seriously though Clakamas Coot would eat that guy for breakfast regurgitate him eat him again and shit him out in his compost heap.Now there is a no bullshit Guy go Read some of his literature most of it on experience he has been growning since the 60s as well as well as Cornell university White papers not just Parroted grow store Buy my bottle Magazine column writers


Who is the pro you’re referring to? Link please.

Here’s one of the most solid pros in the hort. industry, busy busting many a myth like the old “organic is better than synthetics foods” myth. I love this gal.

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Guy is a little out there for me. Crustacean meal? No reasonable NPK values? Kelp meal?

These are my heros. Penn and Teller - Organic Foods intro - YouTube

I don’t like this thread anymore. @OldUncleBen Your attitude is abysmal. This here is not the OG spirit if you ask me. If this was the first thread I came to on this site, I would have NEVER joined. I don’t want to have a conversation about this, just putting my feelings out there. Disappointing.


If you don’t know who Clakamas Coot is you need to expand your horizons past that outdated material . Have a gander and enjoy a real Grower.


And before anyone chimes in on the well he sell products at build a soil he’s hawking Grow store gear too.Jim was well established before he even got together with Jeremy and he has been a soil consultant for years to a lot of top name agriculture industry companies


He big on Alfalfa too my favorite who would have figured right?I mean all those farmers back in the day who grew the pinnacle of heirloom heirloom crops with supplemented Alfalfa because of all the nutrient density must have been wrong too wow we have one hell of a conspiracy this goes deeper than I thought ……it’s gone Plaid

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I don’t know, stripped 2 of my plants in 2021 didn’t seem to bother them one bit, and buds packed it on in 7 days.

Didn’t touch my plants at all in 2020 and 2022 and buds weren’t near as big. I’ll just keep farting around like I have for many many moons and enjoy the fruits of my harvest.


@PlantShepherd thanks for sharing that post on source v sinks that wad a really informative post! Makes alot of sense.


Almost makes you want to put an angel on top and put ornaments on them.Christmas trees :evergreen_tree: :santa: good show old chap I’m pretty sure Airy buds don’t make them bend down and say hi to the ground like that those be heavy right there.Stripped down and dense buds what do you know how about that :cowboy_hat_face: