Defoliation vs No(little) defoliation

I’ve had him on ignore for nearly two weeks and I’m still enjoying the hell out of this. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I think this conversation might need some support from @moderators … it’s harshing my mellow

Weapon? :smile: I have a track record growing about every kind of plant you can imagine - everything from orchids, fruit trees, veggies, big stands of wildflowers and even legumes and green manure crops on 14 acres of land to improve my soil’s tilth and health before turning into niche crop farmer after I retired at age 54. I also post to quite a few gardening sites both international and Facebook local gardening groups.

I know plant nutrition and soil chemistry. Have to to survive.


Yes, you are bashing people over the head with your experience rather than engaging in discussion.


I guess you missed it LOL

Actually, I’ve engaged, wasted my time, with too much discussion. Time for some grilled jalapenos and rich farm eggs, over easy for brekkie.

Carry on.

Nope. Seen it.

I hope the chicken eggs you are making were reared with proper soil chemistry and plant nutrition or I’d be very disappointed.


Maybe one of y’all lives in a rainforest and the other lives in the desert. Every plant requires different things. I’ve had very dense plants indoors that BENEFIT from defoliation. Others I’ve had that don’t like being defoliated. If it’s a lanky and stretchy plant, then it doesn’t need to be defoliated. Hell some plants look like they have very little leaves compared to others.

It’s all about growing the plant to the best of its ability in accordance to its environment. 2x2 tent? It’s getting defoliated. 10x10 tent with 4 plants. Ehh prob not defoliating because they have the room to do their own thing. But that can change based on the plant.

So unless y’all are neighbors, growing the same strain the same way with the same nutes/light/everything…… then y’all don’t have any room to argue. You’re both right and wrong.


What’s going on?
What is happening to us people?
Crazy over a basic question?

Come on, we can all dance without splitting hairs, some do one way, others do another way and in fact both can be right as long as we are willing to accept others points of view, this is what is good.

If you open a post saying that papper towel is the best germination method and we all say yes, there is no growth, Overgrow not only your plants but also yourselft.

That being said, what about shaking hands and keep arguing? - It would be nice to have a pool feature so people could vote for questions so we could have a general picture of what most do.



i suppose you’d rather have us arguing over politics…

i kind of like this way.

i mean, it’s been two years

Arguing without loosing it over a question is the point. Arguing is grow, the subject is just that, one of many.

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As entertaining as all the lingam comparisons have been I’m actually interested in the structure and behavior of plants and why things might be.

Possessing knowledge is not understanding.


How about a century of Fenian rage? Ought to count for something. LOL

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Perhaps this will help:


Interesting! At least someone is going about generating data in an organized way. I had no doubt industrial grows were pursuing this but I wouldn’t expect them to share much useful information. A lot of “may” and “might” as you would expect from a preliminary paper.

Thank you


Hi all
All opinions are valid and actual practice with results are worth looking into

So much heated opinions on this volatile topic
That Being said !

Mainlining your plant good or bad

A little Back note
I’m was using Octopots indoors in a 4x4 tent ( I no longer use tents my growing room changed ) For those not familiar with them ,when reservoirs are filled there could be 20 gallons of water in the tent
Without defoliating the RH is out of control and bud rot is extremely possible ! ( but rot :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:) Before I started mainlining, I first defoliated in the standard way week 1,3,5 of flower it helped and did increase yield (scrog method , way to much veg matter poor air flow many fans to control this !
Started to mainline my plants and it takes
Extremely high amounts defoliation and pruning to shape the plant ! And buy doing this I achieved a few things
It’s keeps RH under control
No more larf
Great air flow
And the largest buds I’ve grown
I yield at least 25 % more then I ever did
Ok it takes a bit longer to shape but no issues there

So now that being said is defoliating really harmful or not

I now am for the most part tentless and not worried about air flow and am enjoying seeing a plant grow in the open ( indoors still )with a96 in ceiling hight let them get big for once

I still believe if it blocks light or air it’s got to go

And I do selectively remove lower buds sights on all branches and all lower veg that will not reach potential

Ok enough said
For those who know me I never rant so long
I must be high :wind_face::dash: so puff puff pass


Had insomnia last night so listened to a podcast entitled “Growing with my fellow growers”. Defoilation was the topic.

The panel included “Dr. MJ Cocoa”, who was soundly on the side of science and promotes leaving the leaves alone. Many other panelists took the opposite viewpoint.

The discussion pretty quickly devolved into a quasi shouting match and peeps were getting pissed and I thought the “Dr.” might actually bail on the show due to what he perceived as disrespect.

Anyway, it was was fairly entertaining in a train wreck sort of way, and surely demonstrates the passion and divide around this subject. Its podcast #206 if interested, it was released yesterday


shew weee, glad-sad missed all that lol
I always thought nature gave plants leaves so the deer would have something to eat :crazy_face:


The real question is why the hell are you eating poppers with cream cheese when cheddar is the only way they are ment to be consumed???

I lightly trim throughout the grow fyi

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I don’t care what others do, they’re usually wrong, buy the wrong things, set themselves up for failure. Again, my point is that The Herd rules instead of common botanical sense in cannabis forums. It’s a feel good thing based on a lack of experience that feeds upon itself.

Good example is my use of Osmocote vs “cannabis specific, rip off foods”. My Cann. Lapis Mtn. indica did remarkably well fed with this slow release food from Nov. to harvest a few days ago. The foliage was thick, green with the usual weird yellowish purple tints of that Kush region in spite of a major spider mite attack which I quickly got control of.

Get off the internet, buy a book on horticulture and learn what makes a plant tick, enroll in local gardening classes or at least sign up for your local Master Gardener’s license class, etc. Grow some tomatoes, etc.

The more different kinds of stuff you grow the more that knowledge base will transfer over to growing cannabis.


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Yep that’s for sure I’m about to start my veggie from seed now I do container outside for reasons of lack of space

My potatoes are growing eyes as we speak

Everything thing we grow gives us knowledge that can’t be bought

I need to try this for my garden
