Defoliation vs No(little) defoliation

Still beating this dead horse, are we?

In the name of being spanked for a week as being “combative”, I gave valid points based on science. Not going to repeat myself. You guys do what you want, and so shall I. Fair enough?

Here in a moment I will quote someone that gets it - apical dominance which as a grafter and long time training dude of literally 1,000’s of plant materials, mainly trees, I fully understand the concept and affect. Lower buds aka “larf”, are smaller because the upper buds are getting more resources based on apical dominance. It’s a hormonal response. Again, the “buds need light” doesn’t hold water, at least not in my book. I got some really nice nugs DEEP inside of my last Deep Chunk mom harvested a few weeks ago.

Some of my best fruit in the greenshouse can be found deep in the canopy of my trees. The food produced by the other leaves is transferred to the fruit or flowers via the pholem. It isn’t produced and then remains solely at the site/leaves where it was produced. If so you wouldn’t have root tissue, eh?

Speaking of which, highly recommend that Deep Chunk line. Creeper weed, potent, with a clean very happy high. Not couch lock at all.

Play nice. Been hooking up with old friends at IC Mag, like Dequilo, liking the honest tolerance over there plus it’s a much easier site to navigate for this old pHart.

Ya’ll play nice, ya hear. :cowboy_hat_face:

Uncle Ben


very well put :v: I’m glad I’m not the only one who felt that way


Second that : )

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Uncle Ben


You good ol boyz have fun!

Uncle Ben


Hope the door doesn’t slam your ass on the way out!


It never ends lol smh ^


Which camp are you in?

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Why were the 2 posts flagged above? They were totally civil and calm posts.


I’ll throw out my experience… I defoliate. Quite a bit, and my reasoning behind doing so is that I like playing with my plants. I’ve only grown autos, and it probably stresses and stunts the plants, but I don’t really care. If I’m bored, I go touch all over them, smell them, chop a few leaves here and there, whatever. As I gain more experience, maybe I’ll change my ways and base it more on a scientific approach, but then again, maybe not? Plus it gives me a lot of greens to throw in my compost bin.


i’m with you on this one. looks like someone is being spiteful. this shit is getting ridiculous. time for someone to put an end to this thread permanently. nothing more being learned here anyway. what do you say, @Northern_Loki ? i hate seeing folks being treated like this, no matter what they did before. it seems petty to me, and counterproductive. let’s be better than this.


This last run i had a plant stretch way up past the lights. I couldn’t get the main colas below the lights for most of flower. The plant produced over an elbow dry flower, most of which grew above the lights.


I tend to agree with you, it’s gotten bad. Scrolling through it this morning, I saw one of @DougDawson 's post hidden… I’ve probably read 5,000 posts by him and he’s nothing but nice and helpful… Instantly told me something fucky is going on here. Plus even with hard data stating which way is better, is still all anecdotal anyways. Perfect lab/testing conditions are hard to replicate so based on everyone’s setup, experience growing, and any other of the 1,000 factors we run in to, there is NO ONE RIGHT WAY.


This is one of those topics where strong opinions is regularly prefaced with ‘these are the facts’. Similar to the topic of how do you germinate your seeds.

Everyone has a preference but many have not experimented with the alternatives or have had poor/unlucky experiences … whether the bad experience is directly related or not. Nothing wrong with that, but it does not mean personal experiences create generalized fact.

It’s important to consider, there really is no one way. There really is no correct way. Many outcomes are circumstantial and difficult to pin on a single variable within a broad set of variables. But individual experiences exist. Hence, strong opinions are developed.

Debate is allowed and encouraged. It is how we learn and discover. A healthy debate leads to deeper understanding and learning that expands everyone’s knowledge boundaries.

Along those lines, this is a reminder to those with strong opinions: remain cordial, keep an open mind, help fuel the conversation in a positive direction, provide insight, back your insight with research and experiences, understand that within a simple concept there are many more complicated scenarios and goals. Keeping the dialog open and cordial is a positive.

Avoid character attacks, avoid ad hominems, avoid insults. If you’ve gotten to that point, it is no longer a productive conversation and will eventually attract the ire of the moderation team.

Let’s keep this a positive debate / discussion.


Same experience, but nothing that you and me don’t already know regarding plant physiology/botanical processes and trying to manage super lanky sativas indoors. Same when I grew out the Original Haze and Zamal Gypsy brought back from Reunion and gifted me.

Take this Dalat Vietnamese. Had 1 400MH and 1 600 HPS in the garden. Grew past the lights, this after 3 toppings. This was 2003.


Garden 4 weeks old. Dalat on the left grew along with some of my crosses like C99 X Dalat and Trainwreck X Sweettooth #4.

Here’s an example of my secondary, double harvest drill - select the point on the main cola where the buds transition from stocky to wispy. Stick the partially harvested plant back under the lights to bulk them up. Note, you must have healthy, functioning productive FAN leaves to make this happen.

So solly Charlie if you did the infamous cannabis forums flushing drill (another myth that just won’t die) preceded by the use of cannabis specific bloom foods. :crazy_face:


Typical TrainwreckXSweettooth crammed into the garden. Note the chunky buds lower down where light does not reach. 44 days in flower.

42 days flowering.

Uncle Ben


that’s why i called you on this one, the debate has ended, there is nothing but animosity and arguing going on and when those post’s of @OldUncleBen 's were flagged, that was the end of it in my opinion. i too am all about information sharing and learning, but when it devolves into flagging a perfectly good and reasonable post due to whatever, it is clearly time to call it a day. i’d venture to say i’d rather see the occasional political comment rather than a user treated like this, regardless of their actions prior. he was warned, banned, then came back with a new attitude and got shit on. i may be new here, but it seems to be the antithesis to the og way.


Care to point out what offended you in the post I just did?

You know there’s plenty of good threads here you can dig into, and dozens of other cannabis forums to explore too. Yay! :wink:


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nothing, it pissed me off that perfectly reasonable comments you made got flagged. that’s not how we should act toward one another. i can understand someone flagging one of the other ones, but not those two. i’m over it now, but it pissed me off a tad when i saw it.


Don’t let flags bother you @sfzombie13. It’s a big board with lots of folks on it. Some folks love to flag stuff for offensive content, for being off topic or in some cases just to stir shit. I was tagged into a thread asking for a pic of a plant I grew. I obliged and had the post flagged. I posted an apology for posting the pic when asked and that post was then flagged, lol. You will drive yourself crazy trying to figure out some folks motivation., it’s just not worth it. They flagged a couple of my posts above as well.

Good to see you back @OldUncleBen :v:


You’re all wrong. Defoliate the world. :rofl::raised_hands::metal: