Defoliation vs No(little) defoliation

Just a tip. You can get the same production with a lot less inputs using a 2 gal. conventional pot painted with MicroKote. I’m doing it with indicas and veggies.

Growing really is all about the roots. I’ve tried many systems for decades to increase root efficiency while cutting down on inputs and maintenance. Griffin’s Spin-Out, MicroKote, grow bags (PITA cause they require frequent watering), large RootBuilder “pots” which I build out of the 16" X 105’ roll it comes in.


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A few questions if you don’t mind @OldUncleBen

How much use do you get from a gallon of MicroKote? I am thinking of 5 gallon plastic buckets.

How long does the coating last? Do you have to re-coat after every use?

I love this weed, but damn you have to desserve it and the stash is evaporating like snow.
For the “story” you got it a bit twisted; i guess it was to make a marketing that is not polemic for the next-gen and all … you known.

To make it short it’s correlated with the slavery in the island. West Africaan slaves, then with the massive arrival of Tamuls (South Indian). A period of 17th century to 19th century. So the Zamal is a blend of West Africaan and Indian weed, and it’s why this strain is so different in all aspect from the strains at proximity (malawi-based for the most part).


Beg to differ with ya friend. Landraces and heirloom (Part 1) - #2788 by OldUncleBen

Uncle Ben

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I’d talk to the owner, who also was instrumental in the development of my old mainstay - Griffin’s Spin-Out. Tell him Uncle Ben sent you LOL. :rofl: (I have to laugh because I fished and asked him if any one has used it on cannabis. He proceeded to rant about a call from a pot grower who, in a very excite tone, told him about this internet grower guy, Uncle Ben…)

I bought 8 oz. It’s thin and goes a long way. I’ve done about eight 2 gal. pots and probably have at least half left. I’d assume you could use the pots at least 2 times. It sets up fast and is tough. I’m also growing stuff like maters, pineapples, herbs in treated pots.

I did get some affect from X’s. Am growing out some indicas now in totally painted pots. They are super healthy, damn purty!

Uncle Ben


Thanks for getting back to me………

My pleasure…


After further reading;

How many pots can I coat/paint with an 8 oz bottle?

Approx. 60 to75 – 1 gallon containers, 20-25 3 gallon containers 12-15 10 gallon containers.

How long does MicroKote® last in my containers?

This depends on the thickness of the coating and how aggressive the root system is of the plant your growing. The coating is depleted over time by root contact and other growing factors. Many short growing cycles in the same container is common.


It’s more than a difference at this point, and it’s not even the Rosetta stone or a secret than i’m sharing. The best is to contact the Tamuls themselves, but never say like “Christophe” that the zamal don’t belong to them ^^

It’s like also all these fancy names that simply never existed 20 years ago. The cultivars was moving each year all around the island because the authority was literally hunting the guerrilla growers, i mean like rabbits. It’s not dedicated breeding or a micro-endemic situation at all. For the “fil rouge/red string” it’s how old timers french stoners call the imported thai they got in black market. Nothing to have with zamal at all ^^


Thanks for the tip Ben. I have really good luck with the bags, but admittedly, I do water more, but the roots are pristine and always fill the bag. In terms of maintenance, it’s Worm Castings and Dr. Earth every 2 to 3 weeks when I flip to 12/12. I mix them together in a big batch before the plants go into the bags and they “cook” for a few weeks before they’re needed. I don’t flush. I never felt it was necessary. Now that I have the tent and the room dialed in, I’d like to start experimenting more. I’m an old outdoor grower and the whole LED thing took some getting used to, but I can’t argue with the results. I’ll keep your suggestions in mind.

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This is the Durban I didn’t over defoliate, but still kept it leaf and larf free on the bottom. For reference, the net is 33 inches wide and 42 inches deep. I was absolutely in love with this plant. Same growing conditions I mentioned above. She smelled like black pepper and licorice.


My indicas keep packing them on, and that’s OK. The Deep Chunk F2 (Hazeman Monkey Balls) on the right has quite a branching structure compared to a regular Deep Chunk I got from Kwik Seeds.


Speaking of LED’s, new to me too. Sure glad I got the VivarSpectra with the detachable driver/ballast. If I need heat, i plop it in the garden and vice versa.

Weather permitting, warm/cool sunny days, I give my ladies full outdoors sun. Been no problem with sun scalding of the leaves either.

Cheap custom made soil mix (whatever I have piled up or in bags), Osmocote food. Easy peasy…



Nice, how’s the high? DP is another one of those legends.

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She was amazing. One I wish I’d cloned.

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@George been meaning to link you up with this one. In my free time I explore a lot of genetics with Mandala and Kwik Seeds. Check out the description. ErdPurt x PCK – Mandala Seeds Shop


  • high mold resistance

Thanks, looks like a great option for my climate, although I am looking for sleepy strains zz|nullxnull as I just vape at night …

Next full moon I will drop some Tirah Valley, will still have to prune them, my indicas are not as bushy as yours frech|nullxnull. All dressed up they look much better, no discussion in your case there’s no need to defoliate.

Wish I had your climate at least for my plants … beer3|nullxnull


Look great, good luck.

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i wasnt sure if it was something i was doing or the specific genetics.

my first grow i adopted schwazzing and did that to every plant for my last 7-8 cycles of plants. and always noticed my plants had so much leaf! it was like the plant was growing them to protect the bud from the light!

been slacking on the defol other than lower crap thiz grow (little lazy).

will be interesting to see if i notice some different flower growth having stopped the schwazzz technique…
they will appreciate it im sure

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example of more leaf than bud lol

howwever beautifull…saginaw valley skunk
75d75f0af62661088a569233cde047a16da1b308_2_373x500 c4ffb8a12562fecb841dae24d2142b2dc7373bc2_2_373x500 c7d9bc6987dcfcdf83bb1bc00439055bce170a2f_2_373x500


@OldUncleBen They are beauties. I love that leaf definition. They remind me of a Purple Kush I took around Christmas. I didn’t defoliate her at all except for the very bottoms so I could feed and water. No larf at all on her and the nugs were very dense. Nice smoke. She grew really slow, but I think I got around 6 zips off her. She’s really short, but she looks tall because I took the pic sitting on the floor.

I miss the sun, but I don’t miss fighting the weather and bugs. I have a couple of Chinese lights in this room, but they do have good LEDs and the drivers are Meanwell. I have one on each side of the room. I have an FC6500 Mars in the 4X4. I love that light.

Dry trimmed:
