Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

Smelled like cinnamon. High was a typical sativa. Keep in mind this was many years ago, like 2001. Gypsy told the breeder Christophe about me growing it indoors and about freaked out. Here’s a letter from him I saved.

"Message from Christophe to Uncle Ben,
I’ll send you 1 picture of Zamal plant; (it’s a plant on the left with color lights). It was 4 months old, but I cut him 2 months later. on the picture you can see only the half of the plant. I 'm very surprise because it’s the first time I can see Zamal indoor and I wonder if Zamal is a good plant for indoor. I live in Réunion island and the average temperature in the year is 26°; we can breed outdoor all the year; I never plant indoor.

Few precisions about Zamal (not Zamaal): This sativa (100%) was imported from Madagascar 200 years ago with slaves. Her degree of THC is between 15 and 30% (there are few qualities),
she is very powerfull and she unsticked the head of many old smokers. She has a good ratio (naturely): 9 females for 1 male; Her florewing begins between 8 and 12 weeks; but in winter (24° the day, 18° the night) it’s not uncommon to cut the plant after 7 or 8 months; here few growers wait 1 year and sometimes more. I smile when you are afraid by 17 weeks of grow; sure it’s expensive, but may be it’s early to cut her. How many hours she is under the ligths by day? Sure it’s a long time to grow in comparison with indica, but it’s difficult to comparate this 2 plants (florewing, heigt, yield…)

Harvest depend of the heigt,but usually she is between 800 grs and 1 kg (dry) for average heigt of 3 meters, some plants can exceed 4 or 5 meters, with trunk of 15 cm of diameter! (I have a friend, he installed a swing on his plant)

Zamal is strongest than Durban poison or Malawi gold and more than many indica. She has not a strong odor (except when you smoke) usually her odor is carot-mango but depend the quality, her odor is less than indica. Buds are smallers than indica buds but biggers than your production. Outdoor she needs not too much water and she can grow in altitude (1500m). Usually she lives in volcanic earth and in fact she can grow in acid earth (PH: 5,6) In general she is resistant but she is kept fungus and ant. At all she needs a good sun.

But like I said, I haven’t indoor experience and I wonder if Zamal indoor gives you the same quality than outdoor. If you want accelerate florewing, mix Zamal with indica; ex: Afghani special (male) x Zamal=florewing in 6 weeks.

Excuse my english and if you can talk in french, that’s better.

Friendly, Christophe."

I gave the remaining seeds to a OG friend who grew them outdoors but lost the plants to some kind of disaster, forgot what it was now. Really sad, as these were the real deal.

Uncle Ben