Demon Genetics auto CBD aeroponic grow

Welcome to OG @GnomeyByNature. Definitively start up your own thread. You will have plenty of people watching and @anon32470837 will be able to drown you in info. :slight_smile:


Welcome to OG!

Im glad to see another aero guy joining the club :smiley:

I do not mind questions, comments or getting side tracked, but it would probably be better if you start a new thread. Then you will have everything in one place.

Post as many pics as you can of the setup. Also details about nozzles, pumps, and what ever other parts you plan to use, location details, etc etc.

I like the idea behind the vertical drum grow. If you are doing this out doors cooling the roots may be an issue though. It would help if we had more info on the exact setup - including pics :slight_smile:

Excellent! I am looking forward to seeing what you come up with! I think aero growing has plenty of room for improvement and new ideas :slight_smile:

When you start that thread, post a note here so I can see it or tag me in the thread so I get a notification.

Im not visiting OG as much as I have been in the past, so I might miss it other wise.

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Day 54 update.

Over all things are going ok. As usual, there are good and bad things going on.

The roots are doing great - but - the total root mas is smaller than on previous grows at about this time.

The same thing is reflected in the plants.

The 30:1 looks very healthy. Good color, and the buds are starting to stack up and there is lots of frost and very cool colors. But - they plant is still quite short and bushy. Im a little worried about potential bud rot, so Im doing some pruning where I can do it without removing leaves that are covered in frost. Thats not easy due to the dense foliage and short stature. The buds are also looking very small compared to any other grow I have had.

The 1:1 mutant decided to grow and make buds! It still looks weird and has odd leaves and coloring though. Its buds are also pretty small, but its running about two weeks behind the 30:1. Im glad I decided to let it live. I doubt it will produce much, but anything is better than nothing :slight_smile:

Over all, I have to say Im not impressed with these seeds and I probably wont grow any others unless I have no other options. Im expecting a low g/day result. Hopefully the RSO I make will be worth the effort.

Here are some pics. You can easily tell which is the mutant 1:1. I have done zero training or trimming to it - just let it go.

The roots are beginning to grow together at the top. The area between them is where bth nozzles are pointed, so they are growing towards the area with the most mist.

Ignore any brown or tan looking areas. Its all nice and white, but the camera just cant handle the contrast between the super white areas where the fuzzy hairs are vrs the smoother roots. The smooth roots are still white.

The 1:1 mutant.

The 30:1

Some odd ball pics from underneath ala @Howard.Crane s wife - just for fun.


For sure, might not be for a few weeks possibly, hopefully sooner, I’ll keep you posted and post a link here for anyone else who is interested.


@anon32470837 hey man, can you discuss some of your experience trying to incorporate organics into your solution at all?


Sorry for intervening but I just went through old Larry’s thread and it was about algae problems. Seems to started somewhere from here and below.


Yes - it seems like using anything that comes from a plant base - like kelp, etc, or thiings like worm castings, or anything else that is organically based, tends to feed things like algea, and other bacterial and fungal growths. They just love that crap and grow like crazy when that type of food is available.

It seems odd to me that they dont like the mineral based nutes nearly as much, when the plants dont seem to care.

In any case, as soon as I stopped using anything organic in my rez, 99.9% of my algae, slim, smell, etc all went away. I was able to stop using deadly things like copper trying to kill the stuff all the time. I still use a small amount of chlorine because my tap water is well water, and I live in a literal rain forest. My soil is several feet of decaying pine needles, pine cones, etc, so I know that crap is in my water and floating around in my air all the time.

I highly recommend using a brand of nutes like Jacks 321 hydro. There are others out there, but Jacks is dirt cheap and well proven.


There are two different types of bacteria on our planet: heterotrophic and autotrophic. The first ones eat organic source but the second one can eat mineral things. But the last ones develop a lot lot slower cause raw minerals have much less energy in them and they also need special conditions as well. Plants are incomparably, billion times bigger, they have a lot more tissue to deal with minerals. Like a home chem lab and a big chemical factory. :slight_smile:
Actually autotrophic organisms are the basement of the full foodchain.

Hey everyone. I am leaving OverGrow. I cannot continue to support a site that allows racist, hate filled content, and dangerous misinformation to stay in place.

We all must stand up to that evil in any way we can. The world is spinning into chaos and fascism, fueled by hate, ignorance, greed, and the deliberate spread of misinformation and lies.

If we do nothing, we are complicit. As insignificant as this step is, I will not help the world go to hell faster by my continued inaction.

If good people stand silent, evil wins.

I want to thank all of you who have helped me over the time I have been a member. It is deeply appreciated.


So where are you going then?

Can’t just leave politics out of here (not supporting, just saying)?

Im not going anywhere else for now. OG is the best of the currently available options. Thats why I have taken so long to make this decision. I truely love eveything else about OG.

As far as leaving politics out of it - sure you can. @LemonadeJoe could simply ban anything not growing related. He could most certainly at least try to reign in the hate and misinformation, although that seems nearly impossible in todays climate.

When you challenge hate speech and racism, and outright lies, you get taunted for being “triggered”.

Somehow, they think that is a win. That is one of the saddest things I can imagine.

Im not going to play that game any more. I intend firstly to vote and to encourage everyone I come in contact with - whether or not they agree with me - to vote. Thats what democracy is all about. I am confident that there are more good people out there than bad.

However, I will not support any venue or website or company that allows hate to continue to grow and spread - even by inaction. We are too close to the brink and inaction is no different than complicity.

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Sorry to see you go. I dont pay attention to anything not grow related here, so I guess I haven’t noticed the problem you are seeing. Hit me up in PM if you want my email address.


Here is some food for thought for you @anon32470837 :

First, how about keeping it focused to this thread? If hate speech etc finds its way in this particular thread or any of yours and you specifically point a post out to a moderator and they say they won’t do anything about it, then sure. Which leads me to my second point:

Who knows how heavily this site is moderated in combination with increase of hate speech and essentially, this site’s capacity? Let me explain, so say this world gets insane and there is 100 fold hate speech, should the moderators now be expected to then have no life to actively control all that?
Maybe they just haven’t gotten around to what you have seen?

Anyway, last food for thought, and pun intended here… by you letting hate speech/racism etc get to you and influence your actions, look at what it potentially will have lead you to… basically deciding that feelings are potentially more important than survival/life. Why? Because someone out there may be potentially depending on threads like this to grow food for their family, who are nor racist and have nothing to do with this, yet you have decided to let something completely unrelated to that just shut it down and potentially hurt that family’s source for food… just saying, maybe you should think about it a lil more… there are other ways and other places for you to try and do something active and make a stand for what you believe in.

Dont take this the wrong way- its going to sound like Im insulting you, but its me Im talking about.

You see, that is exactly what I have been doing since the day I started here on OG. I ran into some threads in the shark tank/smokers lounge or somewhere that really rubbed me the wrong way, but I decided that it wasnt my problem/nothing I could do/people have a right to express their crappy opinions if they want/I’m just going to mind my own business/I’ll get what I need from the site and ignore the vile crap, etc etc etc.

However, I have come to realize that that is a 100% selfish attitude. Thats an “I’m going to get mine and screw everyone else” attitude. Its that exact attitude that has gotten us where we are now. To many good people just keep their heads down and try to ignore that crap without speaking out against it.

If we dont speak out - they win by default.

Actually, I am one of the Team OG members and have moderator super powers - though I have only used them to edit a couple of threads. As such, I have brought my concerns up to @LemonadeJoe and the other team members/mods on at least two occasions. The majority opinion was to continue to allow Shark Tank and similar parts of OG to stay as they are.

As I said, I am strongly opposed to that sort of thing in general, and on OG in particular. There are literally thousands of other sites on the web that actively welcome hate speech of all types, so I see no need to allow it here. There can be no benefit to OG members or the site in general, in allowing it. Its all downside with zero up-side.

Someone argued that that kind of talk in special areas provides “an outlet”.

If someone is so screwed up that they really need to express their racism and spew out their fear and hate that badly, then: A) I dont want to associate with them in any way at all, and B) they can easily click on one of their other bookmarks and go to 4chan or Qanon or, Facebook, or where ever. Its not like its hard to find that crap.

If we eliminated all that crap here, that would be one very small step, but it would be in the right direction.

Yes there are other places for almost everything - which is my exact point. OG should be about growing weed, or tulips or cucumbers or strawberries, and related subjects - not hate, politics, racism and covid misinformation or any of the other crap.

There are already to many places on the net filled with hate. I was hoping OG could be an island of sanity and piece and friendship.

It would be a start.

In the mean time, I am going to put my mouse and my money where my mouth is and only support sites, companies, people, etc that are of a similar mind. I should have done this a few decades ago, and I really regret that.

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Well, if you are simply leaving and not even going to redirect to another place, then in a way you are further giving a win to those spewing the hate speech…

I have no problem with what you want to support or not, it’s just sad in my opinion to let something end because of it that has nothing to do with it (your thread)… you didn’t address all my points but that’s fine, I would hope that if you find another site suitable to you that you will at the very least redirect here so that we can continue the progress of AAA.

I did say before that I wasnt going anywhere else because I dont know of any other growing sites any better than OG as far as allowing hate speech. I also said I love OG and hate to do this.

I dont agree with your point about giving them the win by leaving. If I stay, Im saying its ok with me as long as my personal thread isnt crapped on.

That is no moral stand at all. Like I said before - that amounts to a selfish copout. Thats what I have been doing for decades, and Im done with that.

Surely you have read or at least heard of this poem by Martin Niemöller.

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

See above

I thought I did address you points. I think you are missing a few of mine :slight_smile:

As far as re-directing to some new site, thats not likely to happen. As I said, I dont know of any site I like better than OG - with the exceptions noted previously - so I doubt very much I will take this up anywhere else.

If you want to ask me any questions about your setup in the future, feel free to PM me for my email address. I will be happy to help all I can.

In the mean time - I know its a lot of reading - I have covered everything I know about aero in my previous threads in exhausting detail. Usually more than once. :wink:

I know you know of some of Atomizers threads on other forums. Search for more of his comments. he tends to pop into HPA and AA discussions hear and there and drop little data bombs. Most of what I know came from his old quotes. There are a few points I disagree with, but most of it seems solid to me.

He is a complete and utter ass as far as NOT sharing info on specific nozzles with people, and he has a nasty habit of telling you you screwed up AFTER you have spent money on equipment, or spent time building a system that he says is crap, but he is a smart guy. Total jerk, but a smart jerk.

Also, @heathen is rapidly getting to be an expert all on his own, so do continue to follow him.


In my opinion, you are letting them win by raining on your parade… I disagree about you staying is saying ok to it… you can stay and still be not ok with it, you have voiced your opinion and it has been heard and that matters…

You didn’t address my point of people’s feelings vs other people’s survival.

By taking action you are letting them force your hand as opposed not letting them get to you… you could also always stay and counter post to them if you want to be active.

I appreciate your offer and I might definitely take you up on that and if I finally get around to a thread going I hope you chime in or you can also email…

Sorry this all happened and hope you reconsider…

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I was not planning to make any other replies to any threads on OG - I think I have done more than enough preaching - but I will address your points. :slight_smile:

We will have to disagree on that.

LOL I thought you were being tongue in cheek about that, but OK.

First, I dont think anyone is going to starve because I stop posting about my aeroponics misadventures :smiley:

If someone is really in need of medicine, and they have no other option to get it, then they better NOT be trying to grow with aeoponics. This particular way of growing is only for the tinkerer, or the techy, nerdy gizmo head types who want to play with relatively $$, complex toys more than grow.

If you are really in need of meds, then grow in soil until you have enough extra supply on hand to survive at least two failed growing seasons. You need to be prepared to spend some bucks getting setup, and plan on your first few grows being learning experiences while trying to dial things in.

So, Im not the least bit worried about someones survival because Im not posting on OG :slight_smile:

Im sorry, but “counter posting”, and trying to reason with racists, bigots, conspiracy nuts etc etc etc, is a complete waste of time in this political climate. Ive tried that and it simply does not work.

In case you havent noticed, I have done that right here on this thread, and previously on other threads between Team OG members, and the site owner, and the content on this site has not changed and no one has offered to even discuss it.

The only thing that will make any change is voting - with your pocket book and your clicks and at the ballot box.

Im going to risk sounding preachy again, and repeat myself, but I believe it absolutely - it would be morally dishonest and selfish to do what you suggest and just ignore it, or pretend it isnt there. Ive done that too long already.

Sure thing.

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Well, I was making a point in that education is being sacrificed for nothing… literally discontinuing here is not doing anything against the hate, the only thing that’s suffering is the development and progress of AAA…

I know Nobody as well as myself and Heathen over on his thread want to organize all the info, whether it’s here or somewhere else I don’t care, not sure if others do, but the progress should not be a victim.

You have done a tremendous amount of work, I don’t think the work is necessarily done, maybe we can get a Discord group going where all that hate can be moderated and the info organized.

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