Do you like the 20 char minimum or does it drive you to smoke more?

Ok, first, I need to say that OG is my favorite cannabis board - by far. Other than this one thing, I like OG a lot.

Second - Sorry if I came across harshly earlier and Im especially sorry for throwing out comments that, in retrospect, probably came across as insults. Please accept my apologies to all.

But…I still disagree with this particular policy. I will try to explain further down.

Yes, we did sort of, but I can be incredibly stupid at times, and I was having a bad day yesterday. I let that get me firmly into grumpy old man mode and I responded inappropriately.

I actually didnt “get” the explanations before. I still disagree, but I think Im starting to understand the reasoning behind it now.

There are times when you are absolutely correct. A detailed, wordy reply is necessary to convey the full meaning. Plus, many folks simply do not communicate well, are vague, stoned, etc. Im not sure forcing them to type extra chars is going to fix that though.

My complaint is that there are also many times when a short answer IS all thats needed and does in fact convey every thing necessary to answer the question.

If someone asks a simple question, why make the answer more complex?
Q - What soil is that? (plus extra chars)
A - “Fox Farms.” or “Fox Farms soil” both seem more than enough to me, but I could (add extra chars)
Q - Is that a COB? (plus extra chars)
A - “Yes.” or “Yes its a COB.” or “No its an LED.” all of which need extra chars.

Its these situations that irritate me. Many times, the best communication is a short declarative sentence, rather than a long winded paragraph.

Obviously I pissed you off and Im sorry about that. I was a dick, but I hope we can start over.

As I said above, I did not understand what you were trying to say earlier, but I think I get it now.

Yeah, that seems to be the common thread here.

So, if Im finally getting this, you all are mostly trying to eliminate those - unnecessary - one word replies that clutter up most threads. The “thumbs up”, ok, haha, sure, yes, no, +1, etc etc.

I would argue that this 20 char limit does not really do what you want. The “Like” button does a much better job on that.

What you are getting is replies like “Why? (plus extra chars I need to type to get to 20)” or something similar.

I just dont see how that improves anything. Instead of getting rid of the unnecessary replies to threads, you just get longer unnecessary replies to threads. If you want people to ONLY post long, detailed, useful, replies, then 20 chars isnt nearly enough.

Sure, it may slow down some of those who just cant help throwing out some useless one or two word post, but its not going to stop most folks who just want to idly chatter. Plus, this makes it impossible to reply to simple questions with a simple answer.

Its obvious from the pole results that I am very much in the minority on this. I was trying to figure that out this morning. It finally occurred to me that at least part of what I dont like is that this feel like censorship to me. I dont think I abuse the 20 char thing. I answer questions and post comments with all the detail that is necessary to convey what I want to communicate. When Im told what to say and how to say it, that gets to me - especially when I feel like it doesnt improve anything.

So, I am truly sorry for the mad vibes and hope you can all forgive me my lapse. However, I am still almost certainly going to answer simple questions with simple answers (plus the extra chars needed) :slight_smile:


Actually, if you toss out the “I dont care” votes, the results so far are 33% dont like the 20 char limit and 41% like it. Im not as far in the minority as I first thought. A full third of voters dont like it. Last night it was only 5% :slight_smile:

More importantly the 20 character minimum helps to build relationships with other users.

If all I got were one word short answers during a conversation with a material person standing in front of me, I’d feel like it weren’t really a conversation. I’m not the best writing out my words, but I can talk an ear off with the best of em.

All my one word and what would be short answers are signified by me clicking the “:heart:“.


Edit: _plus, I already know a lot of random shit_😜


Winner winner chicken dinner.


Im not gonna hold a grudge over a couple words. OG is family. Nice to officially meet you brother


thanks. i had a sense of the bad mood, but held my psychoanalysis, and genuinely appreciate the sincerity. kinda makes my day. :sunglasses:

the mods might disapprove, i might have to duck some projectile Lemons, but you might beat the system hacker style: just create a nice 20-character auto-signature, and “WTF?!” to your hearts content! :scream::astonished::flushed:

and, hell hath no fury like a righteous pothead. :joy:

cheers to all who’ve slogged through this one. time to do some gardening.



Thanks for cutting me some slack bother. :slight_smile:

Actually though, we have had a number of conversational interactions over the last several months. Perhaps my comments were so short they didnt register :wink:

Seriously, though - thanks.


I see where you are coming from, and I appreciate the sentiment. Heck, I even agree with the stated goal.

However, I think the “Like” button does far more than the 20 char limit does to get what you want. The 20 char limit hurts as often as it helps - in my opinion. :slight_smile:

Hopefully, we can agree to disagree - in harmony.

Ok, ok,ok. I admit it. I am in the minority on this.

BUT - you guys are not winning by much, so dont get all cocky on me! :wink:

Fully 1/3 of voters agree with me. Thats a significant percentage of (more or less) unhappy campers. Never the less, the majority (or more accurately, @LemonadeJoe) gets to make those decisions. It is his board after all, and there is no such thing as 100% free speech anywhere - even the internet :slight_smile:


I know we have had several interactions. But I said “officially” meet you. And I think this is the first posting I got an idea of your character…I like it.
You’re not averse to making a point and youre more than happy to take on board what’s being said.
There’s definitely no hostility my end brother.


I do not like 20 symbols to post a lot oh ha ha lol lol

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i understand why the min character count is in place, though sometimes i just dont have enough to say without adding a few filler words in order to meet specs. To me, its kinda like speed bumps in a neighborhood.
Yeah, every time i drag a header collector on a speed-bump i bitch about it under my breath. but its a necessary evil, i feel.
it frustrates me sometimes, but its only petty. and i understand the reason behind it.


…if i wouldn’t see my work un-done, i would personally install speed bumps on my street. there are >no< police where i live in CA. (have CHP & sherrif, no traffic enforcement whatsoever). 4 million people.
potential incarceration restrains people from “fixing things” all the time. :wink:


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Get out the tin foil hats!!! Call the fire dept!!! Call those flat earth guys!!! Call the Trilateral Commission!!!

I have discovered a deep state, secrete society of evil conspiracy right here on OG!!!

Some people, some way, some how. are not limited to 20 character posts!!!


How are they doing it??? Why are they doing it?? What is the secrete password?

Dont worry! I promise to get to the bottom of this dastardly conspiracy and expose the evil doers and rite all the lefts!!

or…I may be unable to resist their spells, and succumb to their evil allure… if you never hear from me again, you will know what happened…

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He’s on to us.





:sob: :confounded: :kissing_heart:

Now they mock me! But wait - I am zeroing in on them…


When I first read the OP I immediately voted “It’s really annoying, please consider changing it.” I stumbled across this thread shortly after being forced to change a reply for having too few characters. Then I read the replies (should do that before voting next time).

I get what Larry is saying in that sometimes being concise means less than 20 characters. And if someone wants to post the bare minimum they won’t add anything of significance (I didn’t). I also see what the people in favor of it are saying. I have to imagine it’s not a factor in the vast majority of posts and even if you add some BS to make it fit the minimum there really isn’t a downside to the forum. There will be far fewer posts like that than the would’ve been “+1”, “I agree” and “Nice!” posts. And it probably forces people to use the like button rather than posting “+1”.

So I have changed my stance on it. Sometimes things seem stupid until you hear the reason and then they make sense. This is one of those times for me.

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Oh no! (cant stop there not equal to 20 chars!!)

I am sorry to hear that you have succumbed to the dastardly yet subtle and most certainly corrupting, and sneaky miasma of coercion and reverse censorship that is forcing innocent, trusting, (formerly) happy, normal, regular, and (previously) sane people to over exercise their fingers, which is resulting in blathering, run-on nonsense sentences (like this one) filled to over flowing with un-needed and extraneous characters(like this one -%), words, symbols(&), s p a c e s , punctuation, smiley faces :slight_smile: and emoticons :scream: , all while trying to make the 20 char minimum.

I feel for you brother and I will do my best to save you from this fate, which is most certainly worse than running out of smoke or forgetting to water your plants with actual water :wink:


Huh? + 16 characters


