Do you like the 20 char minimum or does it drive you to smoke more?

Ok, I am curious to know if anyone else finds the 20 char minimum requirement for posts as irritating, and infuriating, and frustrating, and time wasting as I do, so here is a pole to find out :slight_smile:

  • I LOVE the 20 char minimum - please dont change it!
  • I like it ok.
  • Eh, who cares - keep it toss it out, I dont care
  • I find it annoying, but not enough to complain about
  • Its really annoying, please consider changing it.
  • Oh my god its annoying, irritating, and wastes my time! Please get rid of it!!!

0 voters

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Let’s get to voting.


I’m gonna air on the side of caution and say the 20 character minimum is there to stop people posting shitty one word replies that @LemonadeJoe and other mods have to power through to keep OG as it’s meant to be.


it’s a good idea… and some more characters :slight_smile:


Don’t be lazy.

How difficult is it to wax on a bit?


1 Like

I like substance. No one word I know of has that. Lets make it 30!


But if we bump the minimum reply length to 30 characters, my standard reply of “antidisestablishmentarianism!” will fall just short of the minimum post length :sob:

I’ve only angered the minimum post length gods once and did not find the work-around of “say more than one word” to be prohibitively difficult. My usual problem is replying while high, realizing what I’ve typed makes no sense, and hitting “cancel” :grin:


What you said. And I’m always high. Most of the time I hit reply and then read again later and think. The fuck am I on about lol




I didn’t really find it that bothersome until the two word story game.

Other than that I haven’t found it to be an issue.


If you have that “ism” 20 characters doesn’t apply to you. Get off the internet and go talk to someone.


There’s only one bit of soft tissue on my body that occasionally hardens brother and I dont mind. I’d be more concerned if it didn’t. Haha


You just won the Internet today @anon58740919!!! Oh my f’n hilarious brother! Cheers


a picture is worth a thousand words, or so i hear:

in other words, WTF?!#%$^&*(




Means the world to me. :heart_eyes::joy:

  1. What exactly is a “shitty one word reply”? Examples?
  2. How exactly does the 20 char limit keep OG “as its meant to be”?
  3. How is it meant to be - exactly?

That 20 char limit doesnt just stop one word replies, it stops short, efficient, to the point, sentences. It forces you to use words you dont always need. That means I mis-type more often and have to spend eben MORE wasted time re-typing those UN-needed extra characters.

I cant for example ask a simple question like: “Why?” or even “Why do that?”. I am forced to type “Why did you do that?” at the very minimum, and if I hut an ‘h’ insted=ad of a ‘y’, I have to go back and re-typee it. bEcuase Im a very bad tipyst.

I can understand those of you who are stoned to your ears all the time not giving a shit. I guess Im a type A personality who is always on a mission. Im goal oriented. I like to get shit DONE. Having to stop and think about how to re-word a simple comment or answer to make it more complex than it needs to be - for no good reason I can see - is really irritating.

I already have a wife, 3 daughters, 2 brothers, one sister and 4 grand kids who have all mastered the art of taking up all my spare time and then some.

So, would someone - please -explain to me how this improves OG?

Seriously - I’ve been hanging out on forum boards for decades, and I dont get it at all.


How many of them boards would have let your poll topic stand and encourage voters to repond. I would like to remind you that we have had this conversation before. Your questions were clearly answered about the 20 characters to post.

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This is a great example of thought & effort(time) clearly conveying specifics.

“Why?”, etc. is non-specific, possibly confusing the questioned, necessitating a tangental, “Please clarify” or alternately responding with un-requested, irrelevant, time-wasting, non-answers. Specificity helps us grow weed better.

You presume too much about “us”. I really hope ‘stopping to think’ is not so obnoxious, for everyone’s sake. Maybe your goals are yours only? Mine seem to be. Take it easy & if this shit irritates you, abandon it.

Not trying to be a troll/prick, just irritated by all kinds of shit.




First of all Larry. Shitty one word replies would be the likes of…what? How? Why? Yes or no answers or a haha.

All of those questions wouldn’t suffer from elaboration. And if I wanted half witted information I’d ask people on Facebook how to grow bud.

All I can say is if you found a forum where you like the format. Take your questions there. Write them as you please. I personally like the way OG is laid out anyway and I know many other members do.

As its meant to be. Is an informative read whichever forum you go in. Maybe the let’s chat thread could do without the minimum character requirements

And I also have a son. A Mrs. A dog. A cat. A business to run. Yet still find the time to write over 20 characters and if I can’t be arsed doing that. The text of a photo file upload is more than 20 characters. Job done.
Like CS not trying to be a dick. Just stating my opinion


I mean, this is a forum so i feel that the posts and responses are meant to be somewhat lengthy and informative. Itd get kind of annoying scrolling through page after page of what look like instant messenger transcripts to finally get to the end of a topic that could have probably come to a more prompt and appropriate end sooner had the users conveyed their thoughts a little more organized rather than rapid. Not to say that instant messaging doesnt have its place but thats what things like the discord channel are set up for since forums have always been pretty inefficient at quick replies haha either way, how long does it really take you to type 20 characters? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: probably alot less time then this rant took ya :joy::joy: i dont mean to poke fun though haha, its all love brotha! Enjoy it for what it is :hugs:
Edit…now reading @anon58740919 last comment i feel mine wasnt needed as it kind of just reiterated what he said +insert foot in mouth+ i apologize for the redundancy :joy: