Doug Dawson's giveaway thread part 3

@Terpsnpurps your good bro I took no issue with what you said at all. I know now days some people are hyper sensitive lol, I am 100% not that guy. I am open to all tips and advice all the time. This is as close to social media as I get and I have all but stopped using any other forums because I like this group so much. So please by all means if you or anyone else has anything to offer to help me be a better part of the group I am all for it.


Lmao they sure are man!! You must be from an era that didn’t worry about feelings so much like me hahaha :laughing: :sweat_smile:

Seriously though… I do hope you win!! No man no pressure on being a better part lol … I’m sure you’re doing enough bro… no particular duty necessary… just reiterating what’s been said before… and to encourage newer members to check out as much as possible of the site and all…
You’d be surprised how much other people want to see your grow… it’s why we are all here… to watch each other and help each other… @Simdadon

In fact… I’ll double your chances … if I win… you win… :+1:


I was born is 70s bro before people got trophies for just showing up, lol when if you was thirsty you dank from the hose outside, we spent our days riding around looking for the house with all the bikes because that was how we found our friends. I feel like this place this group is the house with all the bikes out front lol.


He’ll yeah. Bikes baseball gloves jammed on the handle bar. Take me back to that beat again…


If only… Out until the street lights came on, or a phone call with where you were :metal:.

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Ya participation trophies are some total b.s. Being afraid to hurt peoples feelings has turned a lot of people into… Well you all know I don’t need to say it!:rofl::kissing_heart:


See I knew y’all was my people lol


Congratulations @keene great win…thanks @DougDawson for being perpetually awesome and…good luck everyone!!!


It’s sure hard to stay off these list when you keep throwing out such bomb as shit :laughing::joy::laughing:


Thank you @DougDawson for another Fantastic Opportunity to OverGrow a small part of this world!!

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Good afternoon OG. We have a winner for the (MAC x FPOG) x Northern Gorilla Berry. It’s #32, @belleswell . Congratulations, send me your info to collect your prize.


If anyone that is not on the call list wants added and more then happy to add you :innocent:

@tresbundles @CrunchBerries @BeagleZ @BudWhisperer @VAhomegrown @MoBilly @Oldtimerunderground @BigMike55 @Foreigner @Abbbian @Greenfingers @JaxxMunster @BarefootAndBlazed @HolyAngel @Cartwright @VAkish @HorseBadorites @Bobgrows @oleskool830 @Budderton @NorthNorthNugs @Gpaw @Rhino_buddy @Pigeonman @Shadey @JoeCrowe @gonzo @misterbee @Terpsnpurps @Mrgreenthumb @Illicitmango @CanuckistanPete @Sincitytoker @Natea @jessethestoner @Groenevingers @Spitfire @patsnumone @Jimdoors @calman1955 @keene @Cyr_grow @420noob @THCeed @Sbeanonnamellow @Big_Yeloe @HappyTrees23s @blowdout2269 @Cannaology @Smooth @FirstCavApache64 @anonymous4289 @Kgrim @Wuachuma @calman1955 @Lady.Zandra63 @RadioWaves @djtrip @scotchlock @Cannabinoid @Cadizzles @MonsterDrank @splinter7 @heavenlygoo @FeloniousMonk @Tuned @Adventuretime86 @duo @Ottafish @DiRtYSkuNkZ @Ris @amumayuk @freed111 @GrouchyOldMan @mike28086 @Kasper0909 @NoCal @hermit @STIGGY @tamimes @OhNo555 @freed111 @OGBohab @dracodragons @Sense @Villiager @Billybob @MassTerpyy @Sdoyle @Icon @UncleLemur @RiverCityRando @NDNCHILD @Strainger @Misguided_USMC @seeds2weeds @PatioMat @GEMI-CONNECT616 @LzBoy @hawkman @CaptainNemo @OnePassionateGrower @kevinmalone @LowenderMN @percyryan66 @GallacreekD66 @Crawfish @hawkman @Zolorp @Cybersmib @Not-Notjosh @SubzeroIceKold @MyrtleGrounds @imgrowingart @scotchlock @mainerJ @Til_Valhalla @DEFSeeds @Wizdom @ThirdStone @Movement13 @IKEA22 @Movement13 @sunra108 @Whatnow @Originalweedman @Trae1170 @XgrimmX @Dannyrawdog420 @j0ebob @Gadarien @Hashton_Kusha @smokekulture @Growgrassblowglass @mox @stiffy @luxton @belleswell @Gumbert @Chasev89 @bevestaldo @sd9007 @OGSince03 @Sintax @GrowTheAtlas @PadawanWarrior @Jhamersburg r @Trimeresurus @Vegabom @Drsunshinestrains @GigaChungus_69420 @TheC525 @Ace71975 @Jumbzz @greenmonster714 @DGCloud @matos420 @SargentPiff @hooddirt @Sailorboy @emeraldbullfrog @Organical @Alaskagrown @Hambone @Smscreations @sd9007 @belleswell @Raratt @Star_Dog @Hawk518 @Bert @Orbitalnutria420 @sayrum @TheGreenBeltGrower @Flower @Ivy @JAYY_2the_R-O_WHAh @TARpits @Gr8racr @Kyleromero94 @wadar @Shanesstrains @Igor @ManyManySpliffs @Onobigrower @Mattman @WoodAndWeedWizard @Hunnamilla @Strikingviking @Pawsfodocaws @MrsTJakes @navy66 @Nick @MrHamilton @Tonyww93 @Witchking @Haggis @Jobu @Dran88 @SunGrown @Reaper420 @Simdadon @FishnRice @Ganjapeee
tenor (3) .



OK, let’s donone more pack of (MAC x FPOG) x Northern Gorilla Berry. Sign up below for your chance. Good luck everyone.

  1. @greenmonster714 :us:
  2. @Ace71975 :us:
  3. @Smooth :us:
  4. @Crawfish :canada:
  5. @ShiskaberrySavior
  6. @Trickster :us:
  7. @Mattman :us:
  8. @Tonyww93
  9. @splinter7
  10. @Mrgreenthumb
  11. @Ganjapeee
  12. @jamMAKEcan . :us:
  13. @donuchee :us:
  14. @Sintax :us:
  15. @Orbitalnutria420 :us:
  16. @BuckeyeBeanz
  17. @Cannaology :us:
  18. @Hambone :us:
  19. @Skywalkerf1 :de:
  20. @Agreenpassion :us:
  21. @Shanesstrains :us:
  22. @Simdadon :us:
  23. @seeds2weeds
  24. @TARpits :us:
  25. @JonPott :us:
  26. @GallacreekD66
  27. @503BudMan
  28. @Vegabom :us:
  29. @havens4hawks
  30. @Osogreen261
  31. @Trimeresurus :us:
  32. @Illicitmango :us:
  33. @Pixie65
  34. @Dran88 :canada:
  35. @FishnRice :us:
  36. @Igor
  37. @OhNo555 :us::pirate_flag:
  38. @keene :us:
  39. @Terpsnpurps :us:
  40. @Gumbert
  41. @Abbbian
  42. @freed111 :canada:
  43. @percyryan66 :us:
  44. @matos420
  45. @Hawk518 :us:
  46. @DiRtYSkuNkZ
  47. @Zolorp :us:
  48. @Drsunshinestrains :thailand:
  49. @Gr8racr :us:
  50. @Trae1170 :us:
  51. @globalhead :india:
  52. @ManyManySpliffs
  53. @luxton :canada:
  54. @Cybersmib :us:
  55. @TheSeedjinn
  56. @TheC525 :us:
  57. @sllimnave :us:
  58. @Piter :es:
    Add more numbers as needed

Thank you Doug!! Fu**ing legendary!!


Hey @Ganjapeee ask @dougdawson to put you on call list. He uses it to inform people of giveaways just a heads up for ya! Thanks for chance DD!


These beans sound yummy. Maybe my luck has turned around.

I’ve had a rash of bad luck lately. First a broken leaf spring on
my truck. No sooner did I get the truck back, when the float sensor, or float in the gas tank
was reading empty on the gauge even though there was $60 worth of gas I had just put in.
As I was leaving town, I got about a half a block out of town on my way to the fish hatchery
to get more food for the pond fish, and the gauge that was reading empty, even though I had just put a bunch of gas in the tank, the truck came to a sputtering stop. Tank float, float sensor, or fuel pump. I believe it’s the fuel pump. I’ll know the answer Monday when they get it on the lift.

On top of all of this, I recently lost a dear friend who passed at home with wife and adult kids from a long battle with epilepsy, mini strokes, and a series of falls that left him in bed. They had hospice help taking care of him and the death was not an unexpected one, still it’s hard to lose a life long friend who was one of my best life long fishing buds. We shared many interests. He played keyboards in our band many years ago. I will miss him very much.

So they say bad luck comes in threes. I’m hoping I’ve reached that mark and that this wiki win was a turning point. I don’t know how much more bad luck I can take. Losing a friend
was the worst. I wish him well in the green pastures beyond. RIP John.

Thanks so much Doug for spreading the greenery. I wish everyone here long and fruitful
lives and good luck on the next wiki.

DM sent Doug.

Live long and prosper.
Sincere and humble thanks Doug.

As a tribute to a life long best friend.


Thanks @DougDawson !!! You can add me to the call list if I am not on it already :rofl:

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Lol, check and see if you are there. Scanning for names on my phone is painful and I am about to jump I my suv to take the 4 hour drive home from the lake.


Doesn’t look like it! Hope you had tons a fun at the lake and have a safe ride!

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Good afternoon @DougDawson
All good? Could you add me to the call list?

Thank you for the opportunity to participate in the sweepstakes