Environment here changed

Thanks. I remember. I was worried. I needed seeds. I messed up on a run bad. I had clones and put them down for seeds. I was going to drive to lJohns house.

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I was very stressed out. Shouldnā€™t have been messing with seeds that I didnā€™t know anything about. @HappyGoLucky21 called it. Said they where autos. I was so sure of myself. I panicked. Even privately talked to some guys here about my seeds. Even if they were good which I know they were I do not think the genetics were good I put them down too fast anyway. Those things were gone. Right now I would be finishing another grow. I would be posting pictures I would not even have time to be talking about seeds.

Dude, nobody has a problem with offering people seeds. I donā€™t think. I donā€™t have a problem with it, anyway. Do whatever you want, man.


This whole thing is getting blown out of proportion when legit members are questioning their actions. No one is upset about members giving or receiving seeds, itā€™s about the fly by night guys, the beggars, and those that are only here for free seeds. Look through a post history of the new guy you see calling dibs and youā€™ll get an idea, literally every post is Dibs/ Dibs lol/ Iā€™ll take some! or flat out ā€œhey does anyone have some seeds I can have?ā€. There are some longer time seed grubbers too but itā€™s pretty easy to see thatā€™s the case. Youā€™re good, the vast majority of members are good. Itā€™s literally a few rotten apples and the bunch trying to recognize it before itā€™s all spoiled.


I have been seeing a first post asking for seeds almost daily.
I love OG and the generosity here but it is driving me crazy seeing people trying to take advantage of it.


Then we direct them to the new members thread and tell them to come back after theyā€™ve been here a while.


Thanks for weighing in. @SubSoilSelections

As for me, any well thought out and non-confrontational opinion is welcome.
I see your point BTW, and agree with most of it.
The only point I would make is on the statement

I donā€™t think itā€™s that. Iā€™m thinking that they knew back then the seeds went to newbies, such as myself, and experienced growers looking at development of new fire.
There ā€œproblemā€ is with people coming in for the sole purpose of snagging seeds to sell on their own. You never see a grow from them, they just throw up an account and start begging.
True, the seeds go out that way, and Iā€™m sure many hit the ground. But itā€™s the grabbing for profit that may prevent a decent, deserving and fair minded grower from having a chance to get something that costs WAY too much to buy.
I live from hand to mouth most of the time. I could rarely afford to buy a pack from a seed distribution Co.
BTW, I donā€™t ask anyone very often to drop in on my journal but if you are interested, please do.


My problem isnt really about newbies asking for seeds, my problem is the actual scamming and the resulant security threat it brings


Iā€™m happy that some of my seeds are headed your way.

Thanks for the artwork and for being part of my Saturday night fun!




:100: agree. If I have contributed to making you long time members want to leave I sincerely apologize.

I admit I have asked some for seeds, I do try to be sure I have something to offer In return for the most part but perhaps not always.

So far Iā€™ve only had the one grow journal but thatā€™s mainly because I donā€™t feel my grows are up to par here and am rather embarrassed to post, Iā€™ll make more of an effort from here on out,

As far as seed runs are concerned, I have signed up for many, not just for the seeds themselves though but more for the knowledge taken from reading and participating in the grow threads.

Anyways, long story short, as a newer member, if I have made anyone feel as if I am only here for the handouts and not to be a part of the community, please accept my humble apology and my promise to try to be a better member going forward

Iā€™m only a hundred posts into reading this thread, but like a few others, feel guilty and am not the type of person to Not step up, own it, and take responsibility for my actions. Which I fear have made me a part of this growing issue. I just found this great community a couple months ago after losing my Gpa and a friend suggesting i try to start growing personally to help with my mental health. Even offered me my own space cuz I donā€™t have room. Stumbled across OG by accident while trying to figure out a setup, and couldnā€™t believe a place and people like this actually existed! It was a dream come true! Thatā€™s when I feel like I started ā€œcontributing to the problem.ā€ I got a little caught up in wanting to create and build my own seed collection (as I had nothing) while I put together my setup. So here I am being a little seed mongrel, while not being able to give back yet, do a journal yet, or be more of an ā€œinvolvedā€ member of this Amazing place. I truly feel shitty for feeling like I have contributed to said issues, and am Deeply sorry to All here if I played a part in shifting the feel of this place. I am definitely not a ā€œgrab and goā€ type and have been working hard to get set up so I can be a better, more involved member of this awesome place!!


Consider sharing in failures, success, and the learning process of it all helps others as well, as you grow and learn so does the community.


I would say that seems odd also. That was not my intent at all, I was just letting the community know how I see it, thatā€™s all. That doesnā€™t make me right or wrong, we just look at it differently. I appreciate what youā€™ve done for the community bud.

@JohnnyPotseed You owe nobody an apology my friend. If anyone has a problem with you, they can go through me first!

Everyone should keep their political views quiet here. Itā€™s what has been requested by lemonade Joe.

Sorry you didnā€™t catch my sarcasm. Sharing seeds is a great thing about this site.


Still working on my design. Iā€™m going to PM about an idea I donā€™t want to include until I talk to you first.
:+1:Sorry @Yetigrows , I sent you the wrong message. Thatā€™s meant for @anon93244739 .
:wink: Brain fart.
Iā€™m pumped as well! And thanks again

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No worries my friend. We are all good, that feeling I spoke of has come from many different directions. There is no point in going into it but I have no ill will for you nor anyone else here. Even if we differ in opinion this is a place where we can discuss it and even agree to disagree. I am happy to know you bud and always think of you as the really great dude that helped out with my PPP run. :v:


Thatā€™s awesome :wink:


I got to toss my 2cents in here, also. I see a lot of negative stuff said by some, and a little by others. I see a lot of positive stuff said by some, and a little by others. I see both said by someā€¦
I think the general consensus is that everyone is simply tired of ā€˜seed-hosā€™, But that doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re tired of newbies in general. If thatā€™s the case, they should think back to when they first came ā€˜onlineā€™ā€¦ everyone is a ā€˜newbieā€™ at some point in their life!

There is no ā€˜quick cure allā€™ for ā€˜seed-hosā€™, simple as that. We can all sit here going around as to what each one of us thinks will solve thatā€¦ it ainā€™t gonna happen, folks! Thereā€™s always going to be greed and avarice no matter what you do, or where you go, as well as jealousy and anger.
Iā€™m not about to sit here and try to say what to do about it, or how best to handle itā€¦ cause I donā€™t know the solution, if there even is one!
I feel like most everyone that is an actual contributing member, just try to deal with each other and hope the grubbers either go away from being ignored, or grow up and learn to be a real memberā€¦
The main thing to remember is thisā€¦what brought each and every one of us to this site is a love for marijuana!!! Letsā€™ work with that.


The solution is ā€œDonā€™t encourage the ā€˜seed hos.ā€™ā€ SHUN THEM haha.

Personally, I love newbies. Giving them advice really gives me a sense of superiority and I think to myself,ā€Yeah, thatā€™s rightā€¦ I really know my shitā€¦ā€ even though I donā€™t know shit haha! Seriously, though, I have no problem with newbies. Itā€™s the ā€œseed hosā€ youā€™re talking about that I have a real issue with. At the same time, theyā€™re easy enough to deal with. SHUN THEM haha.

I just really like saying,ā€SHUN THEM.ā€ But honestly? I think it works.


erā€¦ lol isnā€™t that about what I saidā€¦ :grin: :+1:

editā€¦ bit different wording, but basically the same :sunglasses:


I may be a bit too new here to have much input, but a generous breeder offering me free seeds to work with and learn on really helped my process and made it much less scary to explore new methods as seeds are fucking expensive. That generosity launched a lifelong passion thatā€™s caused me to take up learning to breed myself! Every kind act has an impact and is only good for the community. Of course not everyone will use their gifts this way and sure plenty are contented to take without giving back, but I promise it does impact myself and many of us to have this kind of access and ability to freely experiment


I freely give seeds to those in need so I give with a good heart
Now on the other hand if those people I give to who never show a grow and just disappear I just wish them well !

Remember what weā€™re all about Over Grow the world

And we just donā€™t know what happens to some of these people so !

If itā€™s about getting credit for the seeds who cares

But I would appreciate if they at least show the final product if not a complete grow report
Sometimes Iā€™ve sent out things Iā€™ve never tested my self so it would be nice to see what transpired


Grow more smoke more