Ethos Genetics - Do not Buy?

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Thank you for sharing and good to know. I will definitely stay away from ethos!

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I had a early GG#4 Pack.

“Josey Whales” Certified, with the sticker.

I got a male, god damn, its a feminized pack. I heard collin (ETHOS) did that for GG Strains, the first few rounds of making seeds.
That explains everything, if u see the video.

I throwed it away, should be collect his pollen, should be one of these:

  1. rare af
  2. its something different xD
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The next post…from the always fair @DougDawson:

This is from 2022, I’m sure there are many more. It’s been discussed for a few years here.
It just takes a little search.


I did hear something similar about that guy when he tried to set up shop in South Africa - Also heard he would throw dogs out of moving cars - starve them - beat them … Was not even his dogs most of the time, he has a lot of charges as well for assault …etc Nobody in that state of mind can create something good.

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This is not news to me, he pops up in Reddit and people ARGUE about him. Everyone loves to ride him it’s crazy. He is a terrible dude … there’s no denying it. Just as bad as that wife beater owner of Chimera. So just let your money speak for you and buy elsewhere …


I think things about the owner of Ethos get a bit exaggerated in the rumour mill

That being said, Jason of Dark Horse shared enough that both of them (Colin, Jason) look like terrible people. It’s definitely justified not supporting either of them for various reasons.

Keep it simple, support decent human beings


we still buy shit from nestle and all those “big players” don`t we?