Exploring Sk1 x BP x PT Hybrid




Thats a big clone :heart_eyes:

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Just an unruly monster. Beautiful though. I put her in a bigger 10g pot with some more soil. A new recipe, I tried replacing pearlite with sand.

I attempted to just top these, but it looks like they want a manifold…. I trimmed the two stretchy tops on the plant on the right to see what it would do… nothing. I just kneecapped it. It thrives in spite of my multiple assassination attempts.


Finally sorted out lighting for a veg area, time for some flowers in here, don’t you guys think?

Spread her out a bit, decided instead of waiting to reveg, having to figure out a third lighting setup, and then cloning. I say fuck it. I have more seeds- I took two cuttings from her, I’d rather just flower her out. I expect good output!

These three are for sure female, so I plan to flower them out as well, maybe after an up pot. I probably will take some cuttings from the lady on the left, for obvious reasons.


Well, this one teenager is really out growing the other two. I have to clear out my aero cloner before putting them in flower, I want to play with her some more. Smells just like the first one. She does have some blemishes though, I’m thinking K deficiency, maybe fungus? It doesn’t have a fungus like texture, feels papery and dry.


I popped these ABC male cuttings in the aero cloner for some practice. @Vagabond_Windy works pretty damn good regardless of my skills. Swapped them out for some females off this mother. Hopefully I can get them to reveg better than mom, although I’m not terribly upset with the results.

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I forgot I gave you that :sob:. I’m glad it’s working well for you. I bought a bigger 36 site clone king and it’s working like a charm :crossed_fingers:t3:

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On today’s episode of “I’m sorry, I’m an Idiot”: I think that’s just light burn. I turned the lights down a notch and waited, and problems stopped. I figured this out by, I don’t know, looking at the one plant I had burned in my other tent and noticing they have the same damage… Oh well, gotta learn somethings the hard way.

Speaking of which; the clones are fucked. Low humidity I think, I’ll give them a couple of days to maybe come back but they’re all laid out and I don’t even dare touch them right now.

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I flipped to 12/12hr Monday. I love this part of growth.


Day 12F

Nothing real exciting, except the one stretched so much on me. All four are putting on some weight now.


they all look good!

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Day 19F Now things are a little more exciting.
I’ve got the “three bears” here, one didn’t stretch and inch, one stretch just right, and one is getting annoying.

I’m actually kinda running out of room here. I planned for my previous yield only to find out I’m a much better gardener this time.

The clone I took from my first plant is going nicely, although it’s not getting as much light. Still has tons of pretty little flowers!

My attempt at a glamor shot, how’d I do?

Technically a kind of shitty picture, but I enjoyed the perspective. Sort of “in the canopy” just as I am when I tend to them.


I find it a bit hard to believe these are mine every time I see them.


Day 35F

My one little squat plant is pretty dense- haven’t had nodes that tight so I’m a bit extra worried about mold.


I did some defoliation; maybe too much. I get a bit obsessive and just spent a couple hours clipping any leaf with a stem. My monster clone still could use some trimming real deep in there but I was having trouble with it so tight; same with my short internode pheno.

Two larger phenos


Short pheno (to the left)


I can smell these from the top of the stairs. I’d say maybe a week or two, but I know these girls. They’ll be putting out some new pistols soon and have another month.

The clone is doing. I don’t know what adjective to use, because I have mixed feelings. It’s real larfy stuff. But so damn much. They’re not quite popcorn nugs, maybe when they swell up. But I’d still guess there’s 1/2 Oz there maybe. Would be a good hash plant but I don’t know.


Sorry, been lazy tending to these ladies, they don’t want much from me these days. I think maybe 2 weeks left, maybe 3. I did chop a lower that I’ll throw in the Dynavap when it dries. The stretchier two are showing nutrient deficiencies and some issue I’m not sure on, but they’re really fattening up in the buds this week and everything looks good so, yeah. Just gonna let it ride.


Ok, I know a couple of you follow all my grow logs (after these finish I’m merging into one bed don’t worry) so I’ll say sorry here, I haven’t felt much love from my plants so I haven’t gotten much pictures.

The biggest of the bunch was harvested, she had a seed so far. Yields maybe 1/4oz tops and 1/2oz mids plus 1oz trim. Smoke report from me is not very detailed, I’d compare it at maybe 15-20% THC. Light energetic buzz, terps are piney as always.

Here’s the two from seed left, both just stopped putting on white pistols.

And the big ol’ nasty clone