Exploring Sk1 x BP x PT Hybrid

For my second grow I decided to dedicate some time to this lovely hybrid donated to me by @Instg8ter. They’re currently in plastic cups filled with a base soil mix of coco coir, pearlite, and EWC. I soaked them until they all sank (maybe 6hrs) and then direct germinated. 3 days later we have some sprouts- a lot of helmet heads!

Plant A

Plant B

Plant E

Plant F

Plant G

C, D, and H have not sprouted yet- wondering if they maybe are struggling with their shells. Will see next week if they are still struggling I might help them out.


Hahaha I just smoked my last joint of the mother plant with an 8 month cure, much smoother skunk later in cure. At first it was a bit more acrid. The Pineapple Thai should go good with it. These were old stock SK1 x Black Pearl x Pineapple Thai heirloom from 707.


out of likes , will catch you later though/! and will be watching


I read @Instg8ter post after I asked what all was in the cross :grimacing:


His description fits what my nose is telling me on the one I have 70ish days into flower very well. She has the most wonderful pinene smell too her, that carried through to the tester I cut. Acrid definitely, at first I thought one of the cats pissed somewhere. It’s a mind fuck how well the two smells are playing with each other.


How’s that coming along? 70 days should be getting in the sweet spot…

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I looked at them last night, maybe 40-50% cloudy, the rest clear. I grabbed another tester, still drying. She’s stopped throwing pistols now I think, but many are still white.

I may have stunted her at one or more points from my various learning mistakes. The major one I think I have confirmed now is nutrient lockout from alkaline tap water. She was pretty yellow before I fixed it, and that wasn’t until like a month ago. Think it’ll produce anymore or maybe just wrap it up this weekend?


Pineapple Thai may have put a bit of time on if it’s a Sativa leaner, I’d let it go if it’s still taking nutes… the SK1x BP is 75% Sativa I believe so it’s possible if they stalled to go 90

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Yeah, she’s nice and green on the new growth, much happier now that I stopped poisoning her! Drinks next to nothing though.

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These days I let my plants eat theme selves from the bottom up, may be some great trip weed early. I would give it a week if she stays green and see if it goes mostly cloudy and take it. That was the first pollen chuck I ever did. The SK1 x BP was from a small gifted collection and came along with a few of the old breeding stock from Black Pearl being Mr. Natural (and Nice maybe). MTF from Alaskan Seeds and a mix I haven’t gotten too that’s supposed to have G-13, Golden Tiger and some other oldies. It also contained a AK x BP (85%S) that was flat out fresh tanned leather. smelled great, very acrid smoke with a decent buz, but the taste was not pleasant to me.


All four are happy and healthy still, not much else to say.


I figured out how to maybe color balance the photos better, we’ll see.

Here we have only three, the smallest of the four slipped as I was examining and uh… it didn’t like the spontaneous repot. In it’s place is a little indica in the mix with a Space Monkey F2 from @Vagabond_Windy . I was going to grow out four and do a log for them but only 1/4 germinated. I’ll have to be more rigorous next go.

This monster clone here was taken off my last Sk1 x BP x PT female, looks like it might actually keep up with the seeds, maybe their vigor will over take it. It’s been rooted for a month or so now and finally got upgraded to a 3 gal pot.

I’m told these people plants stink? I just smell a lovely pine smell. Ok, maybe a little bit of ammonia or unwashed teenage armpit. But the smoke cures just fine, think this will be in my tent for a while.


I’m trying to remember if those Space Monkey F2 were the ones I made? Or the ones I was gifted?
If they were mine, expect them to be a bit difficult to crack, as I was away from my seed collection for 2 years and they weren’t stored like I would.
Good luck

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2/3 cracked but died after getting the tap root out

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I just had 4/8 pop and only 1 actually made it so let’s hope we both get females :crossed_fingers:t3::joy:

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Alright, not much to show, I switched two of the plants around so they were with plants of similar size.

I popped some Sour Diesel S2s and 8 more Space Monkey. I’m officially full until I can flower some of these or it’s finally warm enough outside.

I still have a clone of my first female; and it’s just so damn spindly. I attempted to train it and I think the crotch split. At least she’s still showing true female! Lovely little pistols all around.


Another two weeks goes by… doesn’t seem like I’ve got much growth. Maybe just my mind playing tricks on me.

The three seedlings took well to the pinch I gave the tops. One is filling out wonderfully, but one is shedding all but it’s top two sets of leaves. I’ve watched it drop 2 sets of fan leaves that weren’t shaded. Would low light cause this?

The monster crop is happily taking to LST. I love that she’s covered in the bright white pistols. I can see what she’ll look like in flower a bit.


Everything happy. I topped the seedlings and I don’t know that I should’ve. It seems like they lost a lot of vigor, but maybe they were building roots. The monster clone is doing good. I’m thinking I may take some clones off of her instead of seeds next time I get open space.


They have indeed recovered from the haircut, and everything is well.


I decided to stop calling this “the three way” and just call them Happy Trees. They aren’t trees but they do make me happy.

Monster clone getting a bit of a spread, the vegetation at the tighter nodes across multiples stems was getting crazy.

The next generation

These guys are loving life.