F#&% instagram-- why is the community publishing security sensitive material to instagram

In my humble opinion, the only thing Russians care about is keeping the division in America strong. The Chinese are far more dangerous to the US.


Our govt. gave them both keys to the house.


Oooof. Kind of a ā€˜generalizationā€™ there. Certain PEOPLE in gubbament gave them keys to the front gate. But would argue the general public has opened the door.


Ok everyone real quick. This is some stoner ass conversation here. You can tell we get strong cannabis on OG.

Edit: that was directed at the entire conversation not just @Badfishy1:slight_smile:


I was trying to be very polite. Gonna take a minute to clean up this mess.



But still. F#%$^&* those people! :joy_cat:

:evergreen_tree: Gimme my old century back.


You just made Facebook sound like the CIA :joy: I can get behind that


Ya but the issue with people is they have to ā€œFLOSSā€ and OG is the place for that but I wouldnā€™t worry to much about any of that bs and if your that concerned or worried cover your cameras and unplug everything! Well all make it! I promise! :wink:

Iā€™m officially a hypocrite.

but itā€™s for a good reason. for some reason the guys I went to school with will only communicate through instagram, and I donā€™t want to lose touch with people I grew up with.

Whenever I see them Iā€™m like why donā€™t you answer your phone, and they look at me blankly and say ā€œyou got insta?ā€

They always assume Iā€™ve been watching their instagram story, and know everything thatā€™s going on in their lives, but I donā€™t even know what an instagram story is.

I signed up today. The interface sucks. Itā€™s just these weird ass icons floating around, with no text or explanation of what anything is.

It seems like instagram is full of fake medicine. No matter what I search for, itā€™s just weird ass piles of sketchy looking pills.

Whatā€™s really pissing me off is that instagram doesnā€™t say you canā€™t post from a computer. I never would have signed up if they said that up front.

Iā€™m disabled, and I can barely use my fucking phone. On top of that, my iphone is 6 years old. No apple executive ever imagined it could survive this long.

If I brought it into an apple store, Iā€™m pretty sure the genius would tell me
ā€œDude you gotta get a new phone, this oneā€™s broken. The failure chip failed. This phone should have died 4 years ago.ā€

anyway. Time to light up.


Iā€™m digging up an old threadā€¦
But I really agree with much of whatā€™s been said about smart phones and social media in general.
Recently I realized that the world has gotten exponentially more insane since the iPhone revolution. Big corporations control the media and social media, they sway public opinion to make the dollars. People are addicted to their phones in mass. Iā€™m the worst. I am trying to limit myself.
I donā€™t think any news is real anymore. Itā€™s all manipulation and propaganda, more opinion than fact. I tried in earnest to understand covid. The news articles remind me of opposing ā€œexpertā€ witnesses in a high profile trial. I concluded that none of it was probably true.
Iā€™m going back to a flip phone and a simpler way of life. I want to make this post and hold myself accountable. I remember the 90s, man life was different.


Get a landline.


Whatā€™s a landline? Does it have a cord or something? :joy:

Iā€™m not sure the world had gotten more insane itā€™s just that information flows faster so you hear about it quicker and more often so it seems that way.

I avoid social media. Iā€™m not even sure what a TikTok is.


Good and bad, hot and cold. Itā€™s all in how we use it or how weā€™re being used by it. Admittedly, there are instances where Iā€™m frustrated with my use of the phone or dopamine hits on social media.

That said, Iā€™ll never forget ordering my first pack of seeds online from a mobile device. Hooked up to a wifi at a cafe, ordered some Ducksfoot seeds along with some others. Felt like I was living in the future, felt so cool. Now itā€™s almost like muscle memory. My phone and internet browser is mostly the same things everyday, surf report check websites, a couple weed forums and seedbanks. The occasional google query too. Itā€™s interesting seeing videos of group events before smart phones sort of became the norm. The way we interacted together in the moment, present. Itā€™s really enjoyable too. But I donā€™t think itā€™s ALL bad, itā€™s how itā€™s used or how we let it use is. Itā€™s yet another tool and I would definitely rather have the option to use it than not have the option at all. Much love


Those 2019 2020 convos holding a lot of water right now. FB and Twitter censoring a lot of info and definitely swaying public opinion on lots of fronts.

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What? everyone knows about the Nasca landlinesā€¦ :crazy_face:


Thatā€™s just a chalk outline of a murdered bird. :joy:


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