I’m ready to go coach!!!
thank you @NugLifeFarms420 the Caribbean Crashers have landed safe and sound.
I’m not sure on the timing so I can be in it to win it again?
Well I’m on the list twice.
I’m like water!
Well that’s no good @MissinBissin His envelopes have that coin flip well-taped inside a folded piece of notebook paper, pretty sure all of em come like that. Soooo, someone (maybe customs?) opened yours, removed the flip/tape, re-inserted the flip & delivered it to you oh well at least you got em!
1000% success @Gonzo
with all the member that are “exculded” seem like one has a bettter % to win — BUT not in my case maybe have to post at 12:01am on a Tuesday for winning chance !! Concrats to all winners
@hawkman ,To participate in this one, @NugLifeFarms420 will make an announcement post, and after that is when you call dibs. From what I’ve learned, Its usually at random times, and not ‘always’ on a Tuesday lol.
My father bless his soul loved this stuff and Klic
My dad liked it fried with onions, I’ve had it with eggs and toast for breakfast or just a fried on bread.
Pretty much same as my step dad
Ya want to get gourmet sprinkle some brown sugar on the whole thing and bake it in the oven for 20 minutes. Lol
Sounds fancy. Like I’d have to eat that with my pinky’s up while wearing a top hat and tails.
It’s definitely upper class .
My mom used to make spam taquitos.
Slap some on a tortilla
Roll it it up in to a taquito with a toothpick holding it together and in the frying pan they went.
A side of pico de gallo ,lettuce and sour cream.
The hood old days
(deep sigh)
Hoodie old days?