FREE Seed Tuesdays (USA/CAN ONLY)

Tuesdays are my climbing day in the mountains, otherwise you would see me getting in on the action! But I am glad you are doing this regardless! Keep it up!!!


have no fear mine went from usa to germany to canada lol made it take an extra 3 weeks but they arrived lol


The USPS is so messed up. Looking like there will be some changes to the Board soon so we may be able to get a new Postmaster General soon. Everything was fine until Dejoy got in there and decided to change everything. Every person in my local post office hates him with a passion of a thousand suns over how he has completely screwed everything up.


that was crazy :grinning:


Got a nice gift in the mail yesterday. A nice pack of Terpanese. TerpbBomb #7 x Runtz BX. Thanks brother. These will be used pretty soon. I really want to try that Runtz. I hear it is true fire.


USPS is a shit show for sure. Was tracking something recently that had to go from MA to VT, somehow they figured it needed a stopover in Virginia in between the two locations. Feeling like I might buy them a map for Xmas, save them some gas.


Yeah, DeJoy is heavily invested in companies with massive business related to the USPS. Everything he is doing is to destroy the USPS and line his own pockets in the process. He is also the subject of a current FBI investigation. Everything that has gone wrong with the USPS tracks back directly to the Postmaster General and his money.


Man. I’m jealous of having a set day to go explore! We’re out exploring other lands all day for a job, so I can’t complain too much, but it’s still work. It’s nice to do it on your own time at your own pace. Still jealous. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I for one don’t care about the postal politics, look at the P/L sheets since he has became PM… The Post Office has to pay like 50years of retirement up front… The ONLY company in history to have to do so…!? Congress is the cause of this… Tax payers don’t want to pay for the PO, so he has to get rid of old employees making 100k+/year, restructure and make it profitable… Congress pays a LOAN to the PO so they dont go belly up from something THEY did… This past year he has brought the company to almost profitable compared to the following years… Things will get back to normal, everyone just needs to be patient so we all can benefit from the FREE service we get 6-7 days a week, regardless if we send a letter or not.
PS I would make sure my investment was secure too if I were him. Am I a fan, no but I understand business I guess.🤷 Just my 0.02!

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Uuuuhhhhh correct me if I’m wrong but Taxes? :thinking: Mama always said, no such thing as “free”! Let’s not forget the price of Stamps/services and the “commemorative” BS that gets crammed down Jane & Joe Consumer’s throat at every opportunity.

Just playing the Devils advocate on that one wee little point. :neutral_face:


I would love to hear how Texas pays for their postal service! I’m no expert but I suppose Texas is of it’s own standards.?

I’ll take the subject elsewhere we’re off topic here!


I predict within three months the corrupt moron will be given his walking papers and within 6 months he will be indicted.


The Skynet just arrived today. :pray::+1:
Thank you!


Package received! Deathrow OG x Runtz BX
Super excited for these

Thanks again everyone!


Glad to see packs arriving. Be on the look out for the OG server auction I’m putting together atm. There will be some awesome lots to choose from all for the benefit of this great forum.

Take care :+1:

And keep an out for the next FREE SEED TUESDAY coming soon.


Hmmm…sounds like you support DeJoy and his choices. Can you explain why he ordered to removal and dismantlement of thousands of sorting machines? This had an immediate impact on slowing service and creating more work for staff, but I think we all know it failed at the intended consequence…

He refused the current Admin’s request for him to resign. He told congress to “get used to him” - so he definitely plans to live out his Trump era appointment. He is, however a corrupt moron.


And the Board is up to be changed next month, appointed by the same administration that asked him to resign. That Board has the power to outright fire him. Hopefully the next moron won’t be as corrupt.


Ummm, because the business was losing money from having too many plants running those expensive machines… Mail volume has dropped considerably and package delivery is where they are focused due to Bezos…(you’re Amazon prime) I don’t support him, I support our postal service unlike a lot of folks… Most just want to complain (as do I) instead of actually looking at the numbers… He told Congress to basically go fuck themselves because they were the cause of all of this… As I mentioned before, I don’t care for the politics. I just want appropriate information available instead of hear say. That is all. PM if you want so we don’t get off topic here. :green_heart:


Got home to find these in the mailbox thanks @NugLifeFarms420


Skynet received, many thanks @NugLifeFarms420