FREE Seed Tuesdays (USA/CAN ONLY)

2 things.

I’m truly not really concerned with new users participating at all. I check ALL users activity that call “dibs” any way to prevent double dipping as well some other things. In the case of @freedomsmoker, he/she hadnt even read the rules randomly claiming “dibs” before the release (they had already excluded themselves).

Also. Typically, if I feel a certain way about a particular user, they just get blocked. So far havent had to block any one except the people who were cynical towards me in the beginning (they know who) but outside of that… its been rather chill.

As I said before, I try to be fair. And I appreciate the enthusiasm.

Now back to the beans…

I will be dropping a new hybrid THURSDAY.

More info to come



Very good explanation of how you do it :slightly_smiling_face:

You heard him!
Back to the beans!


Hey bromigo I just got mine today and where did you say that I could get the information on the strain I was gracious provided by this weirdo @NugLifeFarms420 …LoL joking n hopefully you’re feeling better and well said about the giveaway :+1:t2: :clap:


I hate dibbing again to you but that cavity crush I don’t have yet got 2 others from you recently . I’ll maybe sit this one out I’m sure 5 people will reply rather quickly.
Disregard I see you’d copy pasted strain info not seeds given away . Put down the pipe and step away .


I also hope you are feeling better @NugLifeFarms420. Really appreciate the candy cake punch you sent recently. Really looking forward to dropping those beans. Currently don’t have any space at the moment but I got a few plants in flower just started day 10 actually and some clones in veg but as soon as I move those clones to the flower tent I will be dropping those beans. Again hope u feel better and I really appreciate what you are doing here. Everybody in this community has shown me love since I’ve gotten here. You guys are just simply the best

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Any dibs left?


Normally @NugLifeFarms420 does a nice giveaway on Tuesdays (hence the thread name) but they were not feeling great this week so it has been postponed till possibly today. If you follow the thread they will announce the next giveaway and if your quick you can “dibs” then! :grinning:


Thanks, Loggers…I was sorta following, and read that instead of Tuesday they were going to do Thurs…so that’s why I asked.
I’ll check back as often as I can today…

Thanks, and have a GREAT grow!



Thanks @NugLifeFarms420
Really appreciate the generosity and thoughtful ness of your giveaway


As usual before things get started… the exclusions are below. the users below have already claimed a pack for the month of Feb… or are currently testing


Excluded Until March 15th
GrowRob :us:
Big :us:
SweetLeaf :us:
gratefulned :us:
Sasquatch :us:
ciganomarola :us:
mike28086 :us:
BorderTownBud :us:
Hydro921 :us:
LaughingMan :us:
ELG :canada:
Oldtimerunderground :canada: :canada:
jessethestoner :canada:
Stankonia :us:
Astrodude :us:
Alaskagrown :us:
Carty :us:
Bobgrows :us:
MrMayhem1134 :us:
Indie :us:

Excluded Until March 22nd
HappyTrees23s :us:
DrGonzo13 :us:
Mr_Greenfern :us:
OGTreeSlayer :us:
Pigeonman :canada:
Foreigner :canada:
Terpsnpurps :us:
Zolorp :us:
rooted :us:
Fat_Man :us:
anhthormap :us:
Cormoran :us:
503BudMan :us:


Thanks as always, and I hope you’re feeling better.


Have you tried TP road apple? Is it similar?

I’m an old man and im usually in bed before 9 but I’ll try to stay up for this.


Have a nap and set you alarm worth being here to try and win .


Lmao so true bro!!!

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those new crosses sound interesting ! i hope im here in time and fast enough lol

hope your feeling better

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Good luck everyone !
O.G. Got it good

I have more seeds than I’ll ever get through - until next winter at least when I can’t get past sprout .

lol I am not going to participate. But fun to read


That Apple Poop sounds real nice! :fire::raised_hands::star_struck: hope your feeling better @NugLifeFarms420!



Quick recap from earlier…

Via request today will be ALL Cavity Crush (shout out to @HeadyBearAdventures) there will be a pack 3 regular seeds for every one that is selected today.

I will also be giving out 3 packs of Apple Poop (Apple Zawtz x Slurricane Poop) today as well these will be 3 regular seeds as well

There’s more… Digging into the Vault today and I will also be giving 2 packs of Blu-82 (THC Bomb x Toyz) these will be 3 regular seeds as well.

So thats 15 Free Packs up for grabs this round to the next 10 members to reply with “DIBS” AND either :us: or :canada:

Thanks for you patience

PS… no more forgetting the flag (please people, let them learn the hardway. only takes a second to read the rules) Please include it your response