Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 10)

I love the name! Just finished reading about how the ppp is highly diluted. So essentially it’s just Frankie huh? Cuz beans of Frankie as you know I’m waiting on.

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Now is the time for a throne room break. :laughing:

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@chronix is a rock star, that’s all I am saying.


So stoked for those!!!

Rockstars calling each other rockstars


*throws XXL boxer at the stage

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I didn’t see any difference at all in the F x PPP and the pure Frankenstein
But that’s bot to say every seed will be that way, as an F1 you know the phenos will be all over the landscape.
Some will display more of the PPP other vice versa,and others yet, no change

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Ok, that’s the one then. Sweet! You know I love me a good HUNT

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Took the words right outta my mouth. Great minds :ok_hand:t2:

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@Mithridate bahahahahaha

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Also, to correct things here. The pollen I got first of PPP was from Badger, who is no longer on OG. I also got a couple packs of pollen from @DougDawson and produced more seeds with that. But the stuff i said applies, no matter where the pollen came from. unless from different source, which isnt the case here. Doug and badger both got from the same person I believe, here on OG.

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So uh …

Anyone interested in some Orange (f3? No idea which gen I received them as, so yeah f3 since I got my hand on them)


Shoooo lol.

For a whatever fits into a washer pack.

Name a strain that’s currently in my tent :kissing_smiling_eyes:

Lifesaver perhps


Disgusto yes

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I got 2 lifesavers currently revegging. Slide in my dm.



Anyone who wants to follow along… I’m dropping 2x of these babies right now… 100% you never seen a grow like this lol just use the search bar
( Cadmans Cannabis Thead ) around page 800 ish


I have Frankie X PPP and Frankie X DBHP and Frankie X GSC going on in my grow. Just put a couple into flower yesterday.


Ohh SNAP… I’ll be by for a visit.

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Do we have anyone hangin’ around still?