Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 10)

I am out of likes…damnit…
Sasquatch got my last one.

I will think of a question for a pack of 5 Grand Daddy Purples


I ran out of likes too haha gotta wait another 6 hours.
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
Thats for all the ones I missed tonight.


What is @BigMike55 's favorite band?

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Ccr lol idk

Pink Floyd for sure

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Pink floyd ??!


Pink Floyd if course

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And closed.
@Sasquatch got it.
Send info please.

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everyone knows that one, lol

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He would be so proud :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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too busy writing a gummie post and forgot about the giveaways :laughing:

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@chronix I didnt get that one ?!

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The doors?

:laughing: I stepped into the kitchen for a minute haha

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To make the gummies :laughing:

Lol , today is hard a lot win something but im happy for @Sasquatch

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Small harvest today


How about one more pack…
I am not sure what it should be…


I don’t ask for much here but does anyone have any Mehphisto Genetics or Night Owl they could throw my way?

I would be forever grateful :slight_smile:


My cat is picking a pack of 5 Paralyzed Monster to give away…

I have four cats. 3 different colours.
What colour was the cat that picked the seeds?

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