Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 12)

Those are some awesome goals and thank you for letting me be a part of this :smiley:

As you know, when I get a gift I’m often asking if the would like something in return from my stash so genetics keep traveling. :heart: :seedling:

Now that I have beans made to share my plan is a weekly give-away starting in June on my threads as per other OGer’s that set that example here because postage is my main limitation. :+1:


Same here buddy! I’ve started making my own cards, washers, get the envelopes and tape from dollar tree - that has made that part a lot cheaper.

  • $6 for 150 sheets of white card stock
    • $4 for 50 sheets of colorful card stock
      = $10 for 200 sheets, makes 400 cards
  • $1.25 for 80 small envelopes
  • $1.25 scotch tape or masking tape
  • $3.50 for 6-7ft 1/2” pvc (fits about 10 seeds)
  • $3.50 for 6-7 ft 1/4” pvc (fits about 5 seeds- great when sending a few of different seeds for people to try)

I’d say each stick of pvc makes about 200 washers. I lay them on a small pc of tape, fill them, then close the tape around them. The seeds don’t rattle bc of the tape either. I can fit 4-5 small washers in these small letters if I just tape them down. If I put that inside a small pc of card stock and staple it shut, it makes it a little bulkier.

The only thing left is postage. No way around that one :joy:

Thanks @DougDawson for helping me out this last time! I’ve almost used one sheet already lol

And pigeon, thanks so much for that offer! I can’t wait to see what that horny horse is like :grimacing: :speak_no_evil:


I hear you on that @Pigeonman and @hollyho in the last month or so I’ve sent out 52 envelopes/packages all over the world, Brazil, Ireland , Germany, California and Canada. I tend to not go the cheapest route so I’m figuring at 6-10$ a package on average and 3/4$ a card not including what’s included (I like to add gifts where/when I can) those let’s say 50 alone are at very minimum a couple hundred bucks (definitely more ) it’s definitely what’s been holding me back as well. I actually just told my wife I gotta stop for a while because I’m my current financial situation this just is not pheasible nor has been for the last 4-5 months tbh. But I love giving, trading, surprising people with beans, edibles, and other cool stuff. I’m trying to ensure I get EVERYTHING out and EVERYONE covered before I pull the plug for a few months so I can accumulate funds and products so I can continue to do so.


Sheeesh! The way I see it, it doesn’t matter how it gets there as long as it gets there intact lol some of my stuff has been pretty rough looking but the seeds make it safe and sound :woman_shrugging::joy:


You forgot to list the value of your time. :wink::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Hey @mospri , try this thread for trading, you might get better results as this one is just for free seeds and clones.


Thanks Doug for the information and sorry about posting on wrong place.


No worries bud, as I say you may just get better results in the right thread. Some folks avoid this free seeds thread but do watch the trade thread. Good luck on your hunt :v:


it took a while but it arrived

intact and safe

very nice these seed holders

thanks for that @TopShelfTrees1

until December I will have made some crosses around here, I can’t wait to be able to share my “creations” lol


Great score there when I was looking up bodhis selections that one seems like a real gem :gem: I’m sure there’s some real heat in those beans @tiocranius


Good for you! I need some good triangle genetics. I had to go look that one up. Niiiice :ok_hand:


Black triangle! Any more of those around?

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I have Black Triangle and Golden Triangle heading out to Canadians who signed up for it in the Fall Box. Awaiting a shipment from @Craigson15 to send for distribution to the rest of the world. Keep an eye out, some folks will have some to trade.


Black Zeppelin


I may, or may not have a pack of seeds to give away later on.


I may or may not have a dibs ready. :grin:


what is the golden triangle? i love golden pineapple which has a golden goat parent, so i’m all ears when i see golden.


I want to say triangle kush crossed to Appalachia


Bodhi Golden Triangle (triangle kush x appalachia) and Black Triangle f2 (triangle kush x 88g13hp)


@hollyho Got your letter a little bit ago! Thanks a ton, cant wait till I decide to fill my 3x3 bed or earthboxes with autos hah! :pray: :evergreen_tree: :green_heart: :evergreen_tree: :pray: