Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 12)

Will there be any international!? Please!! :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :flushed:

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Lol abbbian I think I still have an envelope in transit for ya, I’m pretty sure I sent something out to ya a few weeks to a month ago and hasn’t showed back up to me 🤷

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yeah that’s the ones

@AzSeaindooin420 Yep!! 5 Rhinos and 5 Jacks!! It only takes a lifetime to get here!! Meanwhile I do Zen meditation!! And think of bugging @Foreigner!!! :flushed:As I wait!! No complaints brother! Only a thirst to compete!@ OG to the max! :earth_asia: :earth_africa: :earth_americas:


Ahhh so this is the secret behind winning all the beans!



A quiet mind sees it all!! Not a chatterbox!!! :confused:


Well this explains why I never win then :rofl:


I’m just like you, only difference is when I blink! Then I see!! :skull:


Well sorry to get ya excited for nothing, shows 33 in my inventory.of em but looking for em I cant find the baggie they were in, I’ll keep looking for em and if I find em I’ll let u know and we can work something out

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Well it’s time!

For today’s final giveaway

How long is an Olympic swimming pool in meters

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50 metres long!

Send that addy and quick I’m at the post office


WOOHOO! on it!

Thank you @AzSeaindooin420 I missed the other jack giveaways and was kicking myself in the ass lol. Tried it recently and love it


Hahah that’s awesome! In line giveaway.

Sorry I had to abandon my phone last time you were trying to send em quick. I heard a noise, and turned the corner to a gallon of milk just pouring under my stove. 🤦🏼 I had set it on the counter and went to grab a bowl. My cats are awesome. Lol


Oh shit happens, keep watching this week :wink:


The worst shit. Had to pull my gas stove out to clean it up. Milk is rank. :face_vomiting:

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Thank you @bobgrows

I think these came from that link someone posted for free seeds to email the guy for em. Amazed they made it all the way from Canada with only 1 smashed bean which he must’ve expected putting 8 on the 7 pack lol

Shout out to @boomer for the attempt although mail machines had another idea

And the best for last HUGE SHOUT OUT to @highminwin, they are currently replacing the door on my po box cuz u blew it right off the hinges with that :boom: of :fire:! Looks like I got some work to do! THANKS BRO!!


Nice haul there! :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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@DougDawson got your stamps today. Thank you so much. Fighting w wifi and want to get this posted before it goes out again. Fml. I’ll be back when the wifi is more steady. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


I’ve got 3 packs of Vintage Blueberry x Blueberry Muffin f2’s up for grabs. First come first serve. Only stipulation is that you must have been on Overgrow a registered user as of 5/3/2021.

Edit - All packs have been spoken for