Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 12)

that’s the spirit!


Awesome!! Let it be known far and wide that you are amazing! (And that I won something from a “guess the weight” game) :rofl:


Congrats @SensiBowl and @hollyho!!! And thanks @Greenfingers!!
Awesome giveaway!


I’m quite embarrassed about this… I took on to much at the wrong time. and a mishap at USPS didn’t help. My 1st attempt in mailing, 2 employees got into it arguing over my envelopes… 1 says it’s ok to use just stamps for $11 total, the other squeezes it and says, no, there’s something in there so it’s a package… she called him an ass… it changed the amount to over $60. she’s right, what an ass… so she talked me into buying stamps and mailing them outside his little region or he’ll process them… mailed then south of us on way to Dr appt yesterday… Like I s aid, I’m embarrassed and think with my wife’s back surgery it was just bad timing in my attempt to get it all done.

I hope the extra seeds everyone gets makes up for my poor form…

Again, apologies, and Mr B I have one ready for you t o sir, give me another day or two… it’s just so hectic right now and I’m having a hard time walking…

Thank you all for you patience and understanding… been avoiding my little home here because i was that embarrassed…


Yeah it’s all good, I have 6 packs so theres plenty.

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No one will be upset @Carty. You gotta do what you can, and when it happens, it happens. Take care of you first, and stay around awhile longer. :wink:

I hate the post office shills. Do they somehow get paid when they make you pay more? 🤷

So dumb.


Dr Gonzo, yours was returned to me all the way from your state saying I needed another $1.89 in postage. wtf right? why not send it on and make it cod or something… but to turn it around and send it back is more work and silly…

I just cannot afford to send out 15 at $6ea… grrrrrrr. lol


It doesn’t seem like you were in any way at fault, and very clear in communicating these setbacks.

Seems like you’re doing great, but that’s just my opinion on the matter. Maybe someone else can chime in with seething criticisms :laughing:


@Carty No reason to be at all!! Absolutely understandable!!
Take care of your wife’s health and yours! First and foremost!!
Wish you the best brother!! :pray: :hugs:


Thanks for understanding… I felt so bad. but I at least wanted to let ya’s know they are out there now. return addy is not real so if they don’t go thru then that’s it. But, I had her weigh them all and she came up with postage of like $1.80ea and we put stamps on all of them… the 2 going to Canada got international stamps…

good luck everyone…


Thanks again, I felt kinda bad cause I would have given a few grams breathing room had I noticed @hollyho picked such a close number first. I was in the middle of waging war on ants and not paying close attention! :laughing:

I’m pretty stoked on them though. Those are some beautiful genetics to cross! :drooling_face:


Man, I hate when they get nosy. They did this to me too. I told them there was some stickers stacked in there. Maybe next time ask for non machinable stamp? I don’t think it costs much more and maybe if they get to charge a little something extra, it will satisfy them? I just started buying stamps and throwing them in a. Blue box with the hopes they give up and just send the damn things. That’s why I like when ppl let me know they got my letters. Kinda calms my nerves a bit. I don’t put a real addy or name on mine either so if they don’t make it, they just don’t make it. I’m not in a place where I can nit pick and argue w the fuckers.

I’m sure everyone appreciates the gesture regardless! And I hope you figure out the best way to send your seeds. Thanks for being a part of OG :grin:


Checked USPS, looks like Forever stamps are at 58c right now. The “Non-Machineable” stamps are a 30c surcharge, so 88c.

Here’s a twenty-sheet of a CO hairstreak butterfly

Appreciate your 'strap seeds, they came through alright. :slight_smile:


Awesome! Glad they made it :grin:


@hollyho ,
If you don’t mind the bad memory of an old fart, I did let you know and thank you for receiving mine right?


I’m out of likes for 3 more hours :roll_eyes:

I don’t remember but I do know now. I usually circle the username when they let me know they’ve been received. But idk where my notebook is at the moment. We’ve been spring cleaning :joy: getting ready to take everything down.

Thank you for letting me know :seedling::blush:


Once stems removed and cured in 2 months it might be 35 grams. But it won’t last that long lol. Looks damn nice!


@chronix Got the beans many thank yous.I don’t ever think I’ve ever heard of the Garland strain this is going most intriguing


I am happy they arrived safely! :slightly_smiling_face: :v:


Blackstrap seeds arrived @hollyho! Thank you so much, can’t wait for current plants to finish!