Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 12)

It’s actually red leb Lambo…that ok?


TBH, the individual did post in the BOG seeds availability thread asking where he could buy some and there are posts directing requestors to this thread.


Must Be Nice ,Good Vibes …Nice fellow growers an such farmers. Permiculture ,hello from Florida tropical growing in swamp lands …plenty much light since closer to the Equater,…mastercomoster…
@JohnnyPotseed @ BigMike55 , you have plenty of beans ,maybe help a senior grower 67yo in a line breeding ,projects to share Our infinite knowledge health. Wealth ,God Bless Yawl ,calman…southerngents…


@calman1955 Hey friend! As a suggestion, you need to include @ to BigMike55’s name for him to be able to see your post (just like I did with yours), otherwise you will not be reaching him!! Hope it helps!!


That’s pretty dope of you to notice


Thank you sir. I never enjoy feeling like a stranger and usually prefer to come with a stance of open arms. I’m weird like that. 20220507_103351


@calman1955 … i see you’ve been on OG for quite awhile cuz. I’m curious though. In all the time I’ve been here, you and I have not had any interaction whatsoever. I don’t mind if someone I know asks me if I have any seeds of a certain type they’re looking for, ask anyone that’s done so, lol
But for you, out of the blue, to come in here and call me out by name for seeds… smh That puzzles me, why not just come in here and ask if anyone has seeds they’re willing to share?

We don’t know each other, you’ve never hit a ‘like’ on any of my posts. Nor I on any of yours. Not that you’ve done any posting, to speak of lol I don’t see any grow logs or a picture even, posted by you.

I don’t know, call me old-fashioned, but that just seems ‘ill-mannered’ to me, sorry if I’m wrong!


Johnny, do you have any Lamborghinis left?


Yeah cuz, But I have a problem with the Post Office though…they won’t let me use the ‘if-it-fits-it-ships’ one price box.


Read the name of this post,@JohnyPotseed. Just a old hippy from the seventies. Plus To share is to care. Know this 0ne ,do unto other as You would have done to you…67yo grouch here from. Florida. Besides everyone has a learning curve…maybe I just love growing plant ,my granny said , God bless all overgrowrrs…calman.


They’re heeeeeeeere!

Thank you again for offering this :fire::fire::fire: from your collection


This is a place where people are kind enough to offer to give away seeds, not generally a place where you tag strangers that you know are breeders and ask for free seeds.



it’s ok, just ship it bit by bit in letter mail


Johnny Cash style


Don’t forget to spring for non-machinable


Anything other than an apology for being so forward, isn’t acceptable. I’m also ‘an old hippie’ but I also have manners…
I’m a 73 yo grouch. With a host of ailments/disabled, so what’s your point? you’ve been here since 2018 and just did the ‘introduce yourself’ like 12 days ago, which, btw, wasn’t much of an intro lol… you’ve ‘liked’ posts by 6 people (6!!) only recently showing much activity at all.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again

In this community you shouldn’t have to ask for seeds, if your CONTRIBUTING, making friends, and a part of the general grow talks/threads on here then it’s generally a matter of time till u got more seeds than u know what to do with.

I’m with the other guys u tagged on here, I’m more than generous but if someone comes at me with their first interaction with me asking me to open up the seed vault for em, I’ll be turning them away too. It’s one thing to be offered something and be appreciative for it but it’s another thing to go ask someone u don’t even know for something and expect em to give u something for whatever entitled reason. Not a lot of us on this site that’s gonna be welcoming to that approach…


@AzSeaindooin420 nailed it. Overgrow is a community first. Being an engaged an contributing member of the community and building relationships & trust is most important.

The seeds are simply a secondary, lovely, benefit of being an active member here and a result of the generosity & often hard work of said community.


Perfectly said :+1:


Anyways, let’s get off the soap box for the night and put this thread we all know and love put to use! It’s Saturday night so let’s have some fun!

Tonight’s 5 giveaways are brought to us by @Bizzaro for being such a nice gentleman donating an Amazon credit for some shipping supplies to keep these rolling out to y’all!

Open to :us::canada:

So let’s get started shall we? Gonna go toke a fatty to get ready for this and will be back in a few to kick this off :slight_smile:

Good luck to y’all tonight :slight_smile: