Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 15)

Hope you have a lot of growing room! :grin:

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This is the 1st time my sports “knowledge” has actually done some good, LMAO
Once again Thank You @THCeed

Anybody wanna do another?


Yaàaaay :+1:

I need 1 person to say yes

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I said yay but yes :laughing:

Say yes :+1:t2:

Works for me. Lol


Yes Indeed! Let’s hit it!! :cowboy_hat_face:

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Abbbians celebrating another Friday!


@CanuckistanPete Was lucky yesterday bud! Who knows about tonight!! ? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :astonished: :partying_face:

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Here we go.
What significant event happened the year my wife was born?

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You were born

O Canada becomes national anthem

October crisis

I got it… it was 9/11

The Berlin Wall fell

Damn! You kill us!! Let’s see!!
The man on the moon

Close but it was before this

After this