Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 16)

I’m waiting lol

someone say superskunk? haha


Ok I’ll make it easy, 1st two to name the famous cartoon Skunk wins a pack…

Anddddddd, GO!


Pepe le pue yes it’s complet

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pepe le pew
i think thats how you spell it

its pepe le pew …

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damn, it wouldnt let me post, not complete sentence, lol

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Had the same problem

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@Pawsfodocaws ya blew it. Next two won. Pepe la Pew is correct.

You said name him not spell correctly lol but it’s all good

@anonymous4289 and @Ziggy77 hit me with your deets by privnote please

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Awww, come on paws, don’t guilt me like that. An incorrect answer is an incorrect answer. You gonna make me feel like a dick about it? Lol


Hey man pointing it out :wink: I have many beans. I’m good :laughing: don’t feel like a dick!. No prob man

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Paws, I did a translation, if it matched I’d award it, instead here’s what it said…



i think that should count, lol

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Lmao translation…that’s funny :grin:. If you would’ve said correct spelling, I wouldn’t of minded. I was first to name him no doubt. Bad spelling flunked me…

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Enjoy that skunk!!!

Ok paws, and only paws, name Pepe la Pews girlfriend, and I’ll send that pack…


Really? Penelope pussycat.


Dude it’s fine really.