Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 16)

Thank you @Cartwright for the lifesavers f2 it is the same as the picture above so i wont take a picture but yeah thats awesome!

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I am all for that philosophy and live by it. I am constantly turning down offers to buy seeds or pollen from me. Itā€™s just not how I do things. Free the seeds fellow growers, it is itā€™s own reward.


After Halloween my Son brings me all of these and says I know they are your favorite dad
I say thank you you are so sweetā€¦ā€¦ā€¦
lol but they are not my favorite and I canā€™t tell him otherwise but I eat them. I like freezing junior mints


Wellā€¦weā€™re on 3 acresā€¦but gotta deal with woods, neighbors, and an asshat Sherif that still thinks this is HIS town an doesnā€™t abide by the devils lettuce!!!
Are putting up a greenhouse, and have a couple cleared areas where no one can see that weā€™re doing back thereā€¦
1st outdoor grow in years!


Heehee, ya I got that!!! Not only that, I got plots on 3 properties, and a handful of friends that either need help growing (read: rookies) so I get to have a pile of fun. I gotta be careful, youā€™ll NEVER find anything on my Facebook or public social media platforms, not even in fb messenger, or ill be ā˜†poofā˜† gone. I donā€™t Tik or Tok, nor Snap my Chat, and barely Twit, except to look at political crap when I need to see what the sheep are baa-ing about and feed my commie paranoia.
Just saying, living in MA is sweet for a grower. You gotta follow the rules mostly. Thereā€™s so much growing that people deliver dank weed in variety for 50 bucks a lid. So I donate mine to cancer patients, and people that really need the medicine and canā€™t afford the rip-spensaries. Thatā€™s the other pisser, besides the growers that sell stuff cheap, and the dispensaries, you can grow to your hearts content. But making money off flower, is dead. Helps me pay for some stuff, like my plow guy, the occasional plumber or electrician I may need, and of course, thereā€™s always the fam with their hand out, which I happily fill. Wtf else am I gonna do but let all that weed rot?
So having the land to grow in a legal state can be a double edged sword.
Be careful what you wish for.


Yea Iā€™m not looking to sell weed. I want to help propagate the species, spread the genetics & give free medicine to people who can benefit from it. Thatā€™s itā€¦ no sword needed :+1:


Sorryā€¦ but I think I have just what you described :v:
We have 30 acres. 10 acres of woods. Neighbors are not close at all.
I spend hours in my outdoor growā€¦an old volleyball court.
Donā€™t hateā€¦ lol :v::green_heart::herb:


Yesss! Thatā€™s whatā€™s up!
No wonder youā€™re so chill.
No hating lol, thatā€™s just motivation for me :100:


see, I find there is a balance to be found when it comes to selling and giving. For some of us, breeding itself, as a hobby, it is a life long passion that we had to hide away. All the while perfecting our craft and sharing among friends online and off. Some of us have careers or decent jobs that provide stable incomes. Myself, I breed to find the plants that relieve my disabilities and I used to only breed for hobby, then charity then at the urging of othersā€¦ for sale. I have nothing else to fall back on and have fought tooth and nail for disability which I now have but no incomeā€¦ just a parking pass and a tax creditā€¦ woohoo. Screwed by the system big time and I just want the same thing everyone else doesā€¦ to do what Iā€™m good at, what I am passionate about and what I loveā€¦ growing cannabis and breedingā€¦ so i donā€™t feel bad when I drop seeds at the seed banks for reasonable prices. Itā€™s all I got and I also try and balance that with giving and sharing when the opportunity presents itself.
Iā€™ll never feel bad about that.


Package made it to my door today! Thank you Sir!


You live in Heaven!


if any one is interested :thinking:


Just catching up on the dayā€¦
Nice ones @Cartwright and @darkillusion!
Congrats to the winners!
Fun stuff



Iā€™m the same way especially with my Alpha patch which is right outside my window, 10 feet from my head where I sleep. It seems I am constantly inspecting, looking, touching, turning, and putting love into my girls. Itā€™s awesome to watch the Garden grow, whether youā€™re plucking some weird bug off, spotting some little frog on a leaf, or walking out in the morning light fog to watch a flock of birds take off that have been feeding on insects, picking your plants clean of some early possible infestation that they prevented. Itā€™s like watching Magic Rocks. Remember Magic Rocks when we were kids. Drop them in water and theyā€™d slowly grow into crystal mountains.
Only now itā€™s green crystal mountains, and we design the colors and creations.
Iā€™ve said this before, our plants are like our children. We give birth to them, watch them grow up. We feed them and care for them. Fret over them when they are sick. Take care of them and only want the best for them. And when they are old and ready to pass, we gently put them to rest. We honor their spirit in the form of medicine, and pass this medicine to our friends and people that need it.
Growing is a gift, a blessing, and those of us that grasp this concept understand, somewhere deep inside of us, the importance of what we do. Some of us grow inside, some outside. Some seek landraces or phenotypes, create tinctures, butters, or concentrates.
We recreate our strains with seeds and clones. Marijuana has been a mystical, medicinal plant for centuries. And we, we continue to carry the torch, strive to make it better, more versatile, and more importantly, to share it as freely as we can, without greed, without victims or victimization.
Thatā€™s why I grow. Thatā€™s why I continue to grow. Thatā€™s why Iā€™ll always grow.
I look forward to continuing this path, my path. Our path.
Blessings upon your harvests.
May your medicine be strong, and your heart remain pure.


@Bobgrows Helping @BudWhispererā€¦
You live in Heaven on earth!!
Awesome!! :green_heart: :heart: :100: :pray: :v: :+1:


So very passionately put! :heart::herb::heart:
Have never heard it said better!
Thank you for those words. :pray:
They really hit home! :green_heart::v:


Beautiful post @PioneerValleyOG !! Well said! And big shouts out and love to @Cartwright for the lifesaver F2ā€™s


Thank you. Just want to say, I see the fire in you too, @Bobgrows
It only get better. Like everything in life, you get out of it what you put into it. And you, are magnificent at what you do. Do me a favor, donā€™t ever change. Itā€™s people like you that make me proud to be a part of this platform.



And than you @BuckeyeBeanz
Means a lot to me.

Gnight allā€¦