Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 16)

Achilles Heel

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Yup lol that was one of mine

Also flying to close to the Sun

Send those deets via privnote plz

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I did have to think for a sec. But all to easy :yum:
Never used privnote…

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I got another coming up well see who wins

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Then don’t idc. It’s your privacy. I just learned too much safer

Btw not being rude.

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Off to learn. I’ll get back to ya.
In the meantime, good luck y’all

There that damn pop up again :rofl:

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Oh I know. Gotta learn sometime

@blowdout2269 Google

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Thanks @HappyTrees23s and @Bobgrows.
We’ll see if I did it right lol.
Do I have to destroy the note on my end too?

Nope I’ll do that when I read it.

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Thought so. :+1:

Some might know. But for a pack of lucifers big daddy auto reg x10. What year is my most expensive bottle of whiskey made in. And brand.

Redbreast 1994

I need a hint. Must be scotch, right?

Whiskey. Irish

jameson, 1964

Ill probably stop now

You might be able to look it up on here. Maybe