Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 16)

Jameson Bow Street Batch

last try

2016 midleton

:rofl: nice whereā€™d you find that

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Send those deets via privnote plz and ty

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Macallan 1926 , lol

@ris got it

Lol, nice win @ris!
Yeah, whereā€™d you dig that up?

Thatā€™s gotta be a ridiculously expensive bottle

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ty ty, Im actually going to pass them on, Just playing was fun plus all i did was use the search :rofl: :call_me_hand:


Lol, guess I coulda done that if I was smart :rofl:

Well @anonymous4289 has won, Iā€™ve won, @Ris is gonna passā€¦who else is out there atm?

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Hey @ris, theyā€™re autos. I bet @chronix is about atmā€¦

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I already have a bunch of those seeds, thanks though! :slightly_smiling_face:

Lol, thatā€™s about the ugliest cricket Iā€™ve ever seen
Them things are pitch black around here!

I was thinking the same thing. I was saying to myself nah wouldnā€™t eat that one Lol

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We have a dozen different colored ones :rofl: there fun to pip with a bb gun when they swarm

Wtf is Luficers Big Daddy anyways? :thinking:

No clue. Just grabbing packs out a box :rofl: Iā€™m about done I think.


Itā€™s going to ris if no ones grabs it lol :laughing: I have it packaged .same goes for you all that won something,going out monday.

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