Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 16)

Thanks for the chance @FirstCavApache64
Sounds like some good stuff to be found in those packs!!!


I can help if i see something weird in the wiki. Iā€™ve broken enough of them, so now i know what to do (mostly).


Thanks, itā€™s much appreciated. I have messed up my share, but think I have the signup part down. I just need to work on my detective skills at fixing them.


Thanks bud for the chance to win!

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@DougDawson I guess go ahead and throw me on there if you donā€™t mind. Iā€™ve been putting off asking as I like to sign up for things that pop up in my ā€œunreadsā€ that I run across as opposed to everything even if Iā€™m not excited about itā€¦ Downside is other than being in the right place at the right time (thanks @hoss8455 ) I havenā€™t won anything yetā€¦ considering everything that people have offered and sent me without asking, I really just want to win something so that I can say to send it to ā€œsuch and suchā€! @BigMike55 passed on his win to me for a VERY awesome sticker thatā€™s going to go on my seed box (as well as sending me some of that sweet sweet ISS seeds), so yeahā€¦ Rambling. Moral of the story is, pay it forward. Like in that movie where that kid got stabbed.


Lol, very dark


Rightā€¦ I was pretty sad when that happened. Such a positive movie, and then that happened. Wasnā€™t a fan, but it drives the point home. ALWAYS try your best to help.

I can add you to my call list, no problem.

Lol, you have been a member just over 3 weeks. I would try a little patience man. I am sure if you keep entering, your name will come up like everyone elseā€™s eventually.


Like in ā€œField of Dreamsā€. Build it and they will come.
Seed contests: Enter it (often) and they will come (seeds).

Once i read and posted for a while and got to know other OG members, i got way more seeds by sharing and trading seeds w other members here than i ever thought possible.

EDIT: and i never expected free seeds, they were just ā€œthe icing on the cakeā€ that is this site.

I didnā€™t win anything for months when i first joined OG, but my patience was rewarded greatly. Kind of like growing weed.

Now i give out seeds to members and donate seeds to OG auctions to help keep the cycle of kindness flowing.


These sound great @FirstCavApache64 thank you!

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Very good words of wisdom in a very nice manner. That to me is the OG way. Hat :tophat: off to you! Very well worded to help a new person succeed. :clap:

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Nice first Wiki
Thanks @FirstCavApache64 :+1:


Thank you very much. Itā€™s everyone here that is my inspiration. And i tried to ā€œchannelā€ Doug Dawson. Heā€™s very patient and good w words.


Take me off the list please

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Hey bud, there is no need to take yourself off the list. All I was suggesting is you keep it in perspective. Lots of people sign up for these things so it stands to reason it could take a while for your name to hit. Thatā€™s no reason to stop trying. The more you enter the better your odds. So many are enjoying these, there is no reason that you should not do the same. I will remove you if you wish but I personally think you should stick with it. Your call bud.

EDIT: Also if you are in need of some seeds to grow just say the word, I will happily provide you with some :v:


Lol. Iā€™ve been playing these games for quite some time @ix3u and finally won some blue just pollen from @DougDawson , itā€™s just the luck of the draw my friend, Iā€™ve lost way more than win but keep on trying. Lol :+1::+1::v:


I have won 20+++ times in 6 months. That alone is enough seeds for years to come.


Wow. I need some of your luck my friends :rofl::joy::+1::+1::v:


Congratulations on your first wiki @FirstCavApache64, and thank you! :smiley::+1:


I think in 4 months iā€™ve entered 180+ contests. Winning 6 times, and some really cool strains that i would never have found otherwise.

Even when i lose (most often), itā€™s fun to see my OG friends winning. Or when a new member wins for the first time. The excitement is shared by all here.