Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 16)

Drunk I am

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My wife is Filipino so I had to guess that one. Thanks for the late night fun.

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waitā€¦but what do they race,in soup bowls? :joy:

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Send those deets via privnote plz. 1 pack plus surprise pack

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Kinda of changed the answer. Lol it was Japan and office chairs

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Well at least itā€™s obvious in hindsight :rofl:

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Dang and here I was messing around on temu lol

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Donā€™t worry I have two more packs and I just poured a drinkā€¦ wink


Thatā€™s awesome man. It sounds like a cool strain. I was just sitting outside on the porch playing with my cats and listening to an owl go nuts. Glad I couldnā€™t sleep for oncešŸ˜. Thanks so much and Iā€™ll Privnote you.


Awesome man. I just saw a 4x4 deer in my pasture. Looking good for the season

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I had a huge owl fly over me the other night. So silent lol freaked me out. For some reason my brain went to giant bat or dinosaur :sweat_smile:


Good luck my fellow OGs, and much love to @Pawsfodocaws for the fun times before bedtime!
I bless this giveaway with the headiest of Heady Bear vibes! :sparkles: :bear::sparkles:
Kudos @FirstCavApache64 !!!


Last encounter with owl was when I was drifting my 240. Stuck flat to the window on a uphill curve then I braked. And it flew into the night.


Thank you my friend

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Night night brother.

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Iā€™ve only ever actually seen one clearly one time. In the middle of winter there was a snowy owl posted up on a speed limit sign. Big beautiful thing. Was crazy because I donā€™t think theyā€™re really supposed to be in my area

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Hit my thread up for some fritter madness coming soon!


We live up in the mountains and I have one on my property that loves to hoot. I have yet to see it.


Thatā€™ll be easy, itā€™s set to watching

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