Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 16)

Just ran out of likes lol.


Way too many around here canā€™t let the bark dog outā€¦ I see them in the wood ever year. Iā€™m a hunter and hiker. I see a ton of stuff. People donā€™t believe it :joy: . No worries my eyes donā€™t tell lies

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Nice brother! Thanks!

My mom lives right by a big river and they get bald eagles, all kinds of hawks and other birds of prey. Little dogs are not safe lol

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Hell a full grown bald Eagle will take down a baby deer lol

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I love raptors of all kinds but I go crazy if I see a Bald Eagle. Iā€™ve only seen a few in my life but they are really cool.


We see them everyday going down the highway!

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Ok since last giveaway was 2 packs. I have 2 more giveawaysā€¦


Us only plz

We have tons of red tailed hawks by me. Good amount of bald eagles but you donā€™t see them as much unless by the river

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What was groote schurre hospital famous for. And for what act.

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We have a young Red tail hawk that patrols the woods near me. I love hearing his screech.

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First heart transplant

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For.a pack of xk joti purple kush

first human heart transplant

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X6 joti. Got it send deets privnote plz

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I know because of my health issues but I already won so somebody look it up lol.


Roger that, appreciate it :call_me_hand::v:

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No problem man

For a pack of voyager 2 who was picked first in casting as commander of the voyager,ā€¦ also Iā€™m tired so a pack of gw cbd auto regs come with it.

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