Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 16)

Yes this too ! Something great will happen when I see one or I’ll have really great luck or news that day !

I’m glad to know someone else has that relationship with them as well.

Most people think I’m crazy

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You are not crazy, but have hope and believe.


Yeah I didn’t think so many other people had similar experiences with them. One of my grandmas was like half Hopi so I figured it was just my native blood trying to reconnect lol

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That’s really cool. I had Hopi wedding bands made for me and my wife when I was stationed in Arizona for training. Sterling silver and turquoise custom done by a Native American jewelry dealer. Mine got smooshed when I dropped a car battery on my hand but it saved my finger. My wife still wears hers 20 years later.

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Yeah I guess they were cowardly Hopi and went with others up to Canada and than parents or their parents ended up coming back down and settling in Pennsylvania

When we were kids she would always say we were canook Indian because they had came from Canada lol but one of my older brothers did some digging and figured out they were originally Hopi tribe

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I’ve had a lot of spiritual experiences in life…life changing experiences.

I feel like my third eye opened when I was younger. I’ve seen evil as well.

Had telepathic experiences with complete strangers.
With one I tried asking how it was possible, but not out loud, I asked myself in my heart, and the person it was happening replied out loud “people like you and me can do that”
But I didn’t push because I was afraid. And any other time it’s happened to me it feels so natural as if I have always been able to speak that way, that I don’t even think to ask how it’s possible, or what it is.

And I have a strong theory on Hope and Faith from everything I’ve learned throughout life. But I’ll stop making this a chat thread lol.

Well the only thing I have to giveaway at the moment is a mixed bag I have.

3 Strains got mixed together while being shipped.
Any given seed will be one of these 3 strains:

  1. Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze
  2. GG#4 x OG Kush (F2)
  3. Fruity Pebbles x Purple OG

Let me think of a question and I’ll be back


The world is wild as fuck. I had a strange experience with my girlfriend at the times autistic nephew. I was bagging up bud and he came by and said “be careful” in the weird voice I never heard him use. It immediately made me think of my brother and then he started playing with a Thomas the train toy which was his thing. I asked him if Cody had told him to say that and he just smiled. An few minutes later he smiled and looked and me and said “I’ll be with you”
Blew my mind I was so freaked out

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That’s cool to know your heritage goes so far back. Many Native people fled out of fear or just for better opportunities than they had been given. My sister works with a group called Running Strong For Native Youth. They do gifts for Native American kids on reservations at Christmas and give out furniture to the adults that need it. It’s a pretty cool group and my brother in law plays Santa when they go.


Jesus that sound like an amazing mixup up. Lol sssdh was one of the strains I grew my last indoor 14 or however years ago. Lol the shire cut is something i hope to find so bad one day

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Glue crossed with OG Kush will keep me up a little longer for sure.

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It sucks they got all mixed up.

I can see the difference in the three seeds, but I have no clue whats what.

I have been meaning to grow out one of each of the seed types and seeing what each comes out to be, but I just have so many other projects.

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I lost my jar of black diesel I just got last week and just tapped out my garlic budder :sweat_smile: red wine will have to do for me lol


The sssdh should definitely stand out from those other two once grown. That really is a bummer but not a bad 3 to have for a mystery mix at all lol

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I remember my mango haze had super tiny seeds I can’t remember what the sssdh looked like. So damn long ago lol

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And hopefully the
Fruity Pebbles x Purple OG will stand out a bit too.

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You can say that again. They all sound potent.

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Nothing wrong with surprises!

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Alright so the first question I guess will be

The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?

Kinda easy, but Im kinda tired right now so it’s the first one I found lol

Foot steps!