Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 16)

Dam you are still up I just text you :rofl:

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Yeah, nerve pain is acting up so I came outside to watch the stars and play with the barn cats.


It’s not much but I can try. And medicate.


We just have to try and stay positive as hard as it may be. 14 years later and my younger sister that was maybe 5 or so at the time just told me that she’ll never forget my scream I let out when I saw him and pulled my brother out of the pool. That was really hard to hear. I get caught up in my pain and forget about how everyone else in the family experienced that day

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I lost my Mom to a sudden stroke 5 years ago that put her in a coma she wouldn’t ever recover from. My sister and I slept in the room after they took her off life support until she passed. I’m glad I was there for her and my sister but like you said I’ll never be able to forget that night.


Please I ask anyone who is sharing to par take in some sort of ganja and try to smile.

Your mail will be otw tomorrow morning.



I’m hitting some lemon drop live resin as we have been talking. Good meds for stress and anxiety, very calming and peaceful.


About to go take a rip under the stars now :call_me_hand::pray:

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Hey it’s almost 0420 lol


I’ll take that. I’m going to smoke a bowl of fritter.

Y’all have a good night and I hope you can grab a few hours of sleep.

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If I can get a solid 3 in I can usually work with that lol

Been reading a long, but that dam out of likes messages keeps popping up. Really getting tired of running out :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

I can do that for a few nights but then I need a good night of 5-6 hours or I start to feel really sluggish and get very hard to be around. My wife is a saint to put up with it.

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420 should be a great day for all. Kind like the 4th of July for all of us!

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The Red Tail Hawk has been my sign in life.
Anytime I’m feeling lost or in need of answers a Red Tail Hawk will bless me with it’s presence.

If I have a thought of an answer to my issue in mind I’ll see one. Then I know that is the right way.

If I’m troubled and ask God to be with me, I’ll see one.

Even if I’m uncertain about a big life decision and unsure of myself, I’ll see one.

It always shows up to let me I am not alone and that the decisions I want to make are seen.

I don’t know how to explain, but I just feel it. It’s been that way since I was around 18, and I’m much older now. It has always been there to show me.

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Thank you for the opportunity. I missed that sign up :raised_hands:

I usually get good news or have something lucky happen to me when I see one flying. My wife even points them out now and says I wonder what luck he’s bringing you now. That’s really cool you have that special connection.

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Same man, I swear so many damn times when I’ve been really down hungry for some sign out of nowhere I’ll hear that screech and it feels like someone took a sack of potatoes off my back.

Something special about them

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Karma is a real thing for those that believe!

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