Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 17)

The new AMD Ryzen Chips are pretty amazing. I built mine in 2019 and the one thing that I had to have was no hard disc drives… only SSD… and not a regular SSD… I have three of these new PCIe Gen 4 SSD drives that do something crazy like 7,000 MB a second transfer rate. It’s super, super fast. CPU I’m using is 8-core Chip that does up to 4.5Ghz… its a beast but in the last few years they’ve gotten CPUs up to 6Ghz Clock Speed now I read.


I am similar

Nice set up


Dirty south… It’s so motherfucking hot out. Hits u like a brick wall


I’m not sure what my commador 64 uses.


I’m using a POS laptop and have 2 locked up sitting under my PC desk… collecting broken laptops… 1 I hit ctrl/alt delete twice and bam… locked.
shows you how dumb I am regarding computers… grrrrr. with them being 10yrs old, certainly not worth fixing… just want all the photos dangit…

… Sea Biscuitz is in the house…


Offer still stands, if you want help!

I don’t even have a broken laptop or tablet or PC in the house lmao! WTF​:joy::joy::joy:

Thank you for the pollen giveaway
@DougDawson :pray:

And congratulations to you
@buckaroobonsai my friend :raised_hands:

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I’d be glad to give you one of my broken ones… don’t want you feeling left out.

So, how many of you just use your phones for this…?


It’s so bad I have to use my girls phone just to take pics with any kind of clarity. She’d rather not have a bunch of weed pics sent through her email. Do get me wrong I can use anytime just don’t want to abuse. Almost time for another thread roll over yall

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I use my phone mostly.
Sometimes it’s easier to use my computer tho.

The site is different depending on which device I use. Its easier to do some things on the phone, and other times the format is easier on my computer. Depends on what I have to do I guess.

And I used to repair laptops, computers, phones, and videos game consoles for a living.
Can you describe what’s wrong with your laptop ?

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If anyone wants to join! :slightly_smiling_face::+1:


iPad here 99% of the time on this site, phone last 1%

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Thank you ! :raised_hands:

I use my phone. Because I’m either at work, laying on the couch after work, or laying in bed when I should be sleeping. :joy:

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HP Pavilion g7
I hit ctrl/alt/delete twice and it locked up…
HP Envy 17"
Could be battery… will not recharge and plug adapter got screwed up trying to force wrong plug setup from laptop 1… yeah, I know… I’m an idjit… lol


Who’s up early today? Would someone like a puck of lsd x blue sunshine? First dibs.


oh,i’m up early…dibs! :sunglasses:


Send me your safe address. The early bird get the seed.:peace_symbol:


Nice one killer! Gotta be quick in the morning!:grinning::raised_hands:

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