Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 18)

A wave? Much love

No not water :droplet::rofl::rofl::rofl:

No not that one :sunglasses:

I am always in motion to be considered working, but yet when I am broke I still suit the purpose.

The legal system?

It’s not a wave :ocean:

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Me! Hahaha

No, but that is a good one :sunglasses::+1::peace_symbol:

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I will give a hint at 11:15

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A tree! Broken down it is wood


No, but a good answer! :wink:

How about wind? I break that all the time haha


No not that one either!:rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Dang, I have to go to work…last guess hair

No, how could it be hair?:grimacing::laughing::laughing::laughing:

Haha I’m sure I could think of something :joy:

a branch? 10 chars :expressionless:

No no no! :sunglasses:

A chair :sunglasses::joy:

Dang good questions, I’m not thinking outside the box I think. My lady guesses ‘wings’