Two hours with no likes! These are dad joke gold!
My dad is a farmer and he won an award for being outstanding in his field.
Why are peppers the best at archery?
Because they habanero!
Thank you all! I needed a good chuckle!
@FirstCavApache64 @tresbundles @Uprangewilly @MonsterDrank and @mota send me a pm and I’ll get these sent your way! @FirstCavApache64 is the winner of bonus pack since I haven’t heard any of these before and he got there first.
And @OhNo555 @SonsOfAvery and @NDNCHILD send me your info when you get a chance and I’ll send some to you when I get more washers.
Thanks for a great first giveaway, hopefully the first of many!
That’s awesome man, thanks so much. I was going through your journal and I have never grown anything with cherry terps before. They looked really nice, great job on the seed run.
Dad jokes don’t usually pay off for me lol!
Thanks a lot that was funny as shit, and a great game!
Congratulations to all!
Awesome guy! Thank you! @pharmerfil Congratulations on your first giveaway!! It was a banger!
You know they are planning to put fences up around cemeteries because people are dying to get in!
Ok, time for some t.v. trivia
First person to answer correctly gets a pack of SSDD f2
Name the holiday that Frank Costanza invented from the show Seinfeld?
Festivus! Lol
Correct @NDNCHILD send me that addy
Thanks brother! I was gonna hold back but these are a hot commodity and I have future plans! Much appreciated!
What do you call a one legged lady ? I lean
No problem. I have received so many great gifts from people on here that I feel the need to return the generosity.
What time should you make an appointment for the dentist?
Tooth hurty
Nice game great strain for a prize.
Nice. Damn I hate the trivia games. Lol
Wouldn’t Lena work also
For sure in the south where we put an r on everything that ends in a!