Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 18)

I’ll sit this one out, got me a nice pack of Cap Junky’s from you.


Thank you for the opportunity. very creative stipulations!

And then there were five…

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Or 6 it seems

Nice giveaway @LoveDaAutos !
Good luck everyone!

Thanks. would love this one.

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Rule breakers!!! haha


thanks for this oppurtunity

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Does your name start or end with L or R?

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Couple should be penalized for adding more numbers. Lol

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Oh snap! I will also remove myself.

Oh Snap I cannot remove myself.


There were six slots so I deleted my name and the slot :rofl:

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your good because cant have a number either so spot 2 is yours @Greenfingers

Yeah it was greenfingers then and one more person.

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@Illicitmango was on there

ok they can take my spot then.

The winning number was #3

Congratulations @Cartwright please send me your mailing info ASAP so I can get the prize mailed off to you.


Ok that worked out well!

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congrats @Cartwright

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Excellent score @Cartwright

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