Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 9)

i’ve heard about that, pretty funny. i think it was their way of seeing if they actually read the want list


I actually knew that one too haha. But Brown isnt enough letters

Damn that’s serious!!!

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I thought it was solid advice lol


Yes it was.

“To ensure the promoter had read every single word in the contract, the band created the “no brown M&M’s” clause. It was a canary in a coalmine to indicate that the promoter may have not paid attention to other more important parts of the rider, and that there could be other bigger problems at hand.”

“Whenever the band found brown M&M’s candies backstage, they immediately did a complete line check, inspecting every aspect of the sound, lighting and stage setup to make sure it was perfect. David Lee Roth would also trash the band’s dressing room to prove a point – reinforcing his reputation in the process.”


Gooooo diamond dave!

Well one more pack or Eutierria before I break for dinner.


Time to eAt, good luck all!


Dibs please or are we answering questions

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@DougDawson aka MrOGSeedman/Santa lol Many thnx for all you do cuz for all the good folks here
Also a big congrats to all the lucky winners! I’m gone awhile myself


Lmao… hilarious!

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Not gonna be that lucky twice Shiska! Lol Doug makes em work

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Ya never know till ya try


Enjoy your dinner @DougDawson thanks for your time and all the nice giveaways. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Congrats to all the lucky winners. :shamrock:

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What was The Star Trek Enterprise

For sure after that I’d be always casting my line in the seed pond

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Depends how hungry he is


“Pay attention to me boy! I’m not just talkin’ to hear my head roar”

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Space transportation?

Let’s make it easy since it’s not taco time, first dibs wins.

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