Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 3

In high-school long ago I would buy qps and roll it all up. Eventually it becomes second nature.

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You know what. I ran all mine without a drip emitter. Maybe if I add one of those it will increase pressure and split the load better. Thanks for posting pics. Made it all click for me.


Those hold 1.5 cubic feet of soil, thatā€™s my normal mix, I think that soil is 3 years old, and has had 5 full grows done with it, amending and composting between. I just grew 3 cherry wine (2 got pulled for being male), 3 abc until they showed male and now this berry freak, all without tilling, or amending. I love showing that soil gets better the older it gets, if you treat it right.

Yeah, thatā€™s what I did. I guess I could get slower pumps and return these.

Oh I know, I turned it on full blast with no hoses when I first set it up and was blown away with how much it moved.


Could maybe put a fan speed controller on it and turn it down I wonder.


Oh i used to roll nice joints back in the day. Started using cannabis in 1972 (fnck! Im old) my old fingers have arthritis in them an i just am not able to anymore.


Can get joint rollers If your hands donā€™t wanna cooperate. They work pretty well.


Ok, I just ordered 1 of each of these to try. I love Amazon, they will be here tomorrow.

I got a 120 gph and a 210, anything lower didnā€™t have enough lift for my riser

Thanks friend! Iā€™m stoked for both of those. Got some PPPPollen today! Thanks for that too. Hope these purple poison cookies pop fast. :wink:

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I started with a pipe in '57, but moved to rolling by '59. I still prefer a joint, and still roll every day. Occasionally Iā€™ll hit a pipe but not oftenā€¦

editā€¦ the only time I hit pipes are when weā€™re smoking some hash. But straight weedā€¦naw, gimme a joint every time!


I hear you @BigMike55, all the costs of agingā€¦ I was 9 then!! lol, arenā€™t we all?

Have ever tried looking into magnesium ( I mean to you, not the plants lol!!!)? It relaxes our muscles and joints but ingestion can be tricky, and it takes time so itā€™s in all your body!!
Best of health brother!!!

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Awesome brother

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Yeah, I am with you there. I have been lectured by so many about how wasteful it is and this is all from other growers. I always tell them the same thing. Itā€™s what I prefer and I grow weed, if you cant afford to waste a bit of pot for a joint than you likely need to stop whinning at people and leard to grow better :crazy_face:


The wife stores all the roaches in a big jar and breaks em down when it gets full lol That ā€˜resinated roach dopeā€™ is off the hook!


I just tell em itā€™s how my old man taught me. If you ainā€™t got enough you ainā€™t growin it right.


Do you save the roach joint roaches separately? Generation style? In HS we got to 4th genā€¦


Lol, we did the same. I flush them now :sunglasses:


Yes, actually she does. lol Thatā€™s ā€˜her stashā€™! Touch it and die!

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I put my roaches in the tip of a cig. Burn the evidence!


Well, there are rainy days, even sometimesā€¦ Hope this will be ending soon!!!

yet as @Chronickyle put well,

:laughing: :upside_down_face:


This is true my friend! Only 2 people get at my stash, me and the wife. We are chilling. But it wasnā€™t long ago that I was scraping resin from bowls on rainy days so I do feel for yā€™all who arenā€™t chilling.