Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 3

Man, you can’t go wrong with a big bag of Sour Blutooth. @Bullskinner, you are amazing. @anon93244739 , I am going to be watching for these :slight_smile:


It’s a wonderful day… I’m not working this Saturday hahaha. Only be working on my MacDibby call lol

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Aw nah bro, you keep the flip. I do appreciate the offer though! I’ve got so many irons in the fire atm It’s no biggie, I wouldn’t be able to do anything with them anytime in the near future. I’ll get some sooner or later. lol

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I configured my printer so I can run envelopes now, thanks Google! And hello to envelopes with some flare

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The glare from your flair left me with smiles to spare!

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Been busy today and missed a bunch, still trying to catch up lol. Here’s some beef Kafta for everyone :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

@anon93244739 sorry to hear about your accident brother, seems like everyone getting injured lately, myself included…


I can get you now @CADMAN . Shoot me you address

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You gotta slow down is all, lol like me…get a rollaround walker. Less injuries! :grin: :+1: :sunglasses:

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Yayyy. I get it, hell I like designing stuff for the fun of it. But I toss that stuff away haha. I mean, I love that stuff, I appreciate the hell outta it. (The packageig)

But to me it’s like a Smokin hot woman, dressed up in super fine clothes :heart_eyes: & all my brain can say is “Tear that stuff off, I want inside this package :package:


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :+1:

Well shit, I mean I guess I’ll have some as long as there’s some pita, hummus, tabouli, maybe some warak arish…


picky picky picky lol tell ya what, OTUG, just gimme his…I’ll take care of it!

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I’ll bring a weed buffet :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

All we can puff

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alright ya twisted my arm…OTUG, go ahead and let him have some! :+1: :sunglasses:

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Dang didn’t even see this till now lol :joy:
Also why am I always outta likes :+1:


A get together where everybody brings their favorite food dish, quarter of your best bud, and your favorite piece.

I’m down!


Hell to the YEAH! lol
OGsmorgasbord! OGsmorgasbord! OGsmorgasbord!


I keep asking when we are doing a Michigan get together…

Outta likes :green_heart:


Anyone start a group buy for an OG farm, yet?