Free Seeds, Free Pollen & Free Clones Thread (Part 20)

Interesting, I only played with super autos once, but IME they weren’t really autos, they’re more like fast flowering photoperiods?

Like most things in cannabis I wouldn’t be surprised if different people used the same word to refer to different things.


Posted my new light on the Siberian grow thread :grin::grin::grin::slightly_smiling_face:

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thanks for the opportunity @InTheWoods
appreciate you.


Thanks , for doing this and giving us an opportunity… @InTheWoods :100: :100: :100: :100: :100:


Whoops I fell asleep, Congrats @CanuckistanPete

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


Hell yeah @CanuckistanPete congrats on the win !~!!!


No trick really, it’s all about intent. It is federally illegal to cross state lines with cannabis seeds. Even though you may be in compliance with state laws the moment you cross a state line it becomes federally illegal. But then let’s take a closer look, it is only illegal if your intent is to grow marijuana with these seeds. If your intent is to use these seeds as bird feed is it then illegal?
So sending marijuana through the mail is technically illegal but the worst that’s going to happen is that they get confiscated and you are sent a letter stating that they were seized and that you have the right and option to go claim them. If you do try to claim them I am sure the result would be unpleasant. If not claimed they will be destroyed after a period of time and the incident will be closed. But your address may be flagged and your mail monitored more closely than most.
The bottom line here is that sending marijuana seeds through the mail though not legal is a grey area in the law. When sending use stealth, do not give a valid return address and never sign for marijuana seeds sent to you.
I personally have sent thousands of letters out that included seeds. Just use common sense and be as stealthy as possible for the protection of yourself and the person you are sending to.


Morning everyone!!
@Oldjoints Well said!! And clear as water!!
Totally agree!! Long time no see!!
Hope all is well friend!!
:v: :notes: :guitar: :hugs: :seedling:


Thanks for backing me up on this…means a lot! :grin:

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Congratulations :confetti_ball::champagne::tada::balloon: @CanuckistanPete on the win.:partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::sunglasses::turkey::peace_symbol:

Thanks @InTheWoods for the fun :star_struck: game with a GR8 prize :trophy::partying_face::tada::us::facepunch::sunglasses::turkey::v:


Even though the DEA stated seeds, tissue culture etc are all legal under the hell bill that was just extended if they contain less than .3% thc?

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Sorry the joke went over your head. Really thought antique auto was the giveaway.

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Once again, even though it is stated that components under .03% THC are legal technically it also states that any part of a marijuana plant is federally illegal according to the controlled substance act of 1970.
If it is your intent to grow marijuana with seed and posses said seed you are legally breaking a federal law.
California was a legal state but for years federal agents busted and closed down dispensaries selling cannabis and cannabis seeds. Federal laws outweigh state laws but the federal government has relaxed their prosecution of offenders in legal states.
Many years ago I had several friends busted for nothing more than seeds found on the floor of their car.
USPS is a federal agency and knows that marijuana seeds are commonly sent using their system. Prosecuting the offenders would cost them a great deal of money and literally put them out of business.
What is technically illegal and what they will prosecute isn’t always the same beast.


Wouldnt the 2018 Federal Hemp Bill and the federal DEA agency saying it’s not illegal make it so? White letters from other federal agencies are used in the same manner in other industries that are highly regulated. They even touch in the CSA in the letters.

The lesson here? When it comes to determining whether a particular cannabis-related substance is federally legal “hemp” or schedule I “marihuana,” it is the substance itself that matters—not its source. If the substance exceeds the .3% threshold (and isn’t a mature stalk, fiber, etc.), it’s schedule I marijuana. Otherwise, it’s hemp and not a controlled substance.

Under that rubric, marijuana seeds, tissue cultures, and genetic materials are hemp because (according to the experts) those materials invariably contain not more than .3% delta-9 THC on a dry weight basis.


I know how you feel. We have to stick together sometimes.


Unless said seeds are in possession for the purpose of growing marijuana with more than .03% THC.
It’s about the intent of your possession as I have stated several times.
Try going to Mexico and buy a bunch of cannabis seeds and then declare them at the border. If you think they are legal they would have no option but to allow them in………. They wont!

You’re ignoring where the DEA said the source doesn’t matter, just the substance. A seed has less than .3% thc.

The post office has also weighed in.


I’m not ignoring anything , as stated above……

Try going to Mexico and buy a bunch of cannabis seeds and then declare them at the border. If you think they are legal they would have no option but to allow them in………. They wont!

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You’re conflating two different things, Mexico is not a part of the United States of America. Crossing state boarders with seeds that the DEA and post office said are legal to ship is not the same thing as crossing an international boarder. Seeds need proper documentation to enter into other countries to help prevent the spread of invasive plants. The 2 are not the same thing.