Free Seeds, Free Pollen & Free Clones Thread (Part 20)

I won’t argue this!

Read here:

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Times are changing, we are all skeptical, but things seems to be moving in a better direction.


You are absolutely correct in that statement!


Good talk this morning!

Yes sir, indeed!

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Still have not seen unshelled hemp seeds being offered for sale at a retail level at nationwide supermarket chains. For a while it has been the seeds need to be unshelled like what’s commonly sold as hemp protein powder. That’s my sort of canary in the coal mines. Until then, to me they’re treated as collectibles, jewelry beads and such. Much love

That’s a really interesting red line.

Does Amazon count?

Whole Hemp Seeds Nuts Premium 60g Unshelled Grain, Vegan, Allergy Free, Kosher Organic

I’m in the hemp industry and seeds are legal in the USA. Domestic trade between states is federally legal. International trade is prohibited because of potential pest and disease risks. They can be confiscated by customs because of disease or pest risks but not because they are cannabis seeds. They do it with all seeds they find. It’s important to know the laws and not spread rumors that aren’t true


I don’t think it’s rumors, it’s more of that’s how it’s always been.

The primary component of the border rules is for agricultural security purposes. They are more concerned with the seeds bringing in a pest or plant disease, so seed shipments typically need a “phytosanitary certificate” issued by an exporting government agency that declares the seeds are free of disease.

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Times are changing and we all need to keep up. There are more opportunities and freedoms being gained by our community every day.


It is, but “spreading rumors” is kind of loaded and I don’t believe there was any malicious intent. It was a good conversation on a Saturday morning while drinking coffee.

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Yes this is correct. But if cannabis seeds were totally legal the usps would have no right to seize them whether crossing state lines or not. Marigold seeds, Tomatoe seeds Or any number of seeds are completely legal to send anywhere to any part of the country if cannabis seeds were completely legal due to a lack of a certain percentage of THC than they also would be legal to send from state to state.

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Is the post office seizing domestic seeds?


They have been doing so for years and continue to do so.

Good morning OG! And good evening to the OGs across the pond. @scotchlock still waiting on your deets.


I know they used to, when’s the last time they have that is known about? Because everything I seeing says that’s no longer the case.

If it’s still happening then it’s definitely an illegal confiscation and can be disputed.

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To break the ice, Look at my New Toy


Sweet! What’s it do?